Tuesday 5th March 2009 10:35pm

31 0 6

The couple walk down the streets and alleyways in comfortable and familiar silence with their arms around each other's waists. The moon was rising in the sky and a few misty clouds trailed past. Chuuya quietly wished he was able to see the stars because they seemed quite free to him and he was always curious about them. He'd been in a facility then the city his whole life where there was too much light pollution for the little glowing specks to be seen. There were a few puddles along the cold, hard streets and yellow lamplights lit the way as they moved to the more...sketchy areas of town where the Mafia did most of their work by the ports. Two girls, one with blue hair and smaller the other with black and a little taller were chatting quietly to each other as they waited for the 'Soukoku' to arrive. Dazai being himself called out to them with false cheer. 

"Hey Neko! Hi Gin!"

They turned around and Neko greeted them and Gin, her partner, whispered something in her ear. "Gin says 'hi' too."

Dazai chuckles softly. Gin had always been quiet and not much for talking, especially in groups. "Well Neko, you and Chibi-"

"WHAT?!" She was surprised, shocked and quite annoyed at being stuck with that ginger rat. Author's Note: (I know, I know 'rat' is for Fyodor but she's a tiger and she'd probably think that. Don't come for me!) She bet that Dazai had done it deliberately. With that bastard there was always an ulterior motive or hidden reason.

Dazai couldn't quite suppress a snicker which resulted in a vicious glare from both Chuuya and Neko. "I wanted to see how Gin was and what she's been up to. It's been a few years."

Gin whispers something in Neko's ear and Neko says it even if it was slightly begrudgingly. "She's happy to work with you and wants to hear what you have to say."

Dazai claps his hands together in excitement and satisfaction. "Wonderfull! Let's go Gin." With that they disappeared into the night going to their post. As they walked off, Neko without giving a word to Chuuya started to walk off down an alley. 

"Hey! Where ya going?" He walks over to follow. He might not like her but he wasn't going to not do his job over some petty personal opinion. 

"Surveillance area." She was blunt and didn't turn to talk to him. 

Chuuya raised an eyebrow curious as to where she thought she was going. "That's a dead end ya know?"

She smirks softly her black and white tiger's tail twitching in amusement. "I know." She continued walking down the alley until the dingy and slightly misty shadows swallowed her figured. Chuuya cursed softly. God she was so annoying! He followed anyway ready to be proved right but....she wasn't there? No. She had to be. He looked around a little. Nope. Defiantly not there. Where had she gone? Once again a curse escapes him and he raises his voice to call out. 


Her head pops out from on top of a building her face the epitome of amused and cocky. "Awww~ Did ya miss me?~" Her tone hinted at teasing and was quite playful successfully winding him up.

Chuuya was so surprised that he didn't register her words or tone. He just stared dumbfounded up at the small girl leaning over a five story building. "How the hell did you get up there?!"

"I climbed. Now shut up and get your little ass up here." She then disappeared presumably sitting on the roof of the building. Chuuya cursed repeatedly, arguing with himself about what to do but then decides to join her. He emanates a red hue and floats up the gravity holding him bound released and he walked over the roof to join her. She had her legs dangling over the edge of the building her tail swaying behind her and a soft breeze blowing. Her piercing eyes watched the Black Lizard guards below yet her gaze occasionally drifted to the moon. He sits beside the girl but at a respectful distance. She didn't move or say anything. Didn't even acknowledge his existence. He wasn't complaining that she was quiet but she could at least say something.

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