15th District Warehouse

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As Dazai walks out he bumps into Atsushi.

"Oh hey Atsushi.~"

"Hey Dazai." He seems tense and anxious.

"Where you off to?" The night breeze gently brushes past them ruffling Dazai's coat. Stars twinkle in the sky though few are able to be seen due to the light pollution given off by the city lighting the sky up with all sorts of harsh neon aura. 

"Er...Just heading home...Why?" 

His move up then down in a shrug his hands resting pockets. "Oh just curious." 

"Oh...Ok then...I guess I'll see you later." Turns around to walk away seeming very tense an anxious like he's hiding something. Dazai doesn't miss a beat.

"What are you hiding?" He cocks his head to one side the fluffy, chocolate coloured hair around his face falls over half hid face softening his features. 

"I er what?!...I'm not hiding anything!" The boy starts to stutter and a little sweat breaks on his brow as well as the palms of his hands turning them all clammy. 

Dazai sighs and just seems amused straightening his head. "You're such a bad lier."

"I'm not lying!" He's starting to panic a little.

"Are you gonna tell me or am I going to have to force it out of you?" He says it ever so innocently yet it blatantly obvious that it's a nasty threat that is far from empty.

"Ok fine! I don't want to be part of the Port Mafia! I don't want to be criminal! I don't kill people!" He throws his arms up in the air and now looks terrified of Dazai.

"Oh yeah. It isn't for everyone." His shrugs his skinny yet broad shoulders.

"You don't mind?!" He seems skeptical presuming Dazai would threaten him of force him stay.

"No but if you give away information I will kill you." A shadow seems to dance in his auburn eyes.

"K-Kill me?! I-I don't know anything about the organisation!"

Dazai claps his hands together. "Excellent! Bye the Atsushi.~"

"Bye!" Atsushi scurries off as fast as he could. Dazai watches him leave with predatory gaze until the shadows engulfed his small, frail figure. 

Chuuya walks out of the Port Mafia building and stops by Dazai's shoulder.

"What was that all about?" Dazai wheels around and punches him hard in the stomach. Chuuya coughs at having the air knocked out of him. "Dazai what the hell?!  What was that for you piece of shit?!" 

Dazai chuckles as he sees the petite ginger coughing. "Oh. Only you~." Smiles mockingly as the mafioso stands up straight again.

"Did ya have to do that?" A note of frustration could still be detected in his voice.

"You made me jump Chibi.~ It's not my fault!~" Chuuya rolls his eyes.

"Fine. What was that about anyway though?" He looks up at his partner curiosity burning in his eyes. 

"Oh he was just saying so how he didn't want to be part of the Mafia."

"That little shit just wasted my time then!" Folds his arms glaring into space clearly frustrated at putting effort into teaching when he left so soon.

Dazai snakes his left arm around Chuuya's dinky waist pulling him into his shoulder chuckling. "That always did annoy you didn't it." Smirks looking down at Chuuya his eyes full of affection. 

Shadow Reaper - Soukoku - What if Dazai stayed in the Port Mafia?...Where stories live. Discover now