Mori's Diary...(After that day)

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Wednesday 6th March 2009,

Dazai was killed today. It might have been yesterday? Depends if it was past midnight. He was killed by Tachihara. I can't believe that fool! He really will know the wrath of the Mafia when I'm through with him. The only good thing that came of this is that Osamu finally got his wish. Goodbye my beloved Prodigy, goodbye you suicidal master-mind, goodbye my...son... Your funeral will be held on the 10th just like you wanted. The day Oda died. 

Friday 8th March 2009, 

Neko hasn't been doing anything. Only training and walking to HQ and home. She hasn't spoken in days which isn't like her in the slightest. I'm starting to get worried. I've put her and Chuuya together as work partners but he's not fairing well either. Only speaking when absolutely necessary and he's lost all his fire. I'm sure he's been drinking more than normal as well. Tachihara on the other hand, he's disappeared. I sense he's gone back to his organisation which'll be top-secret and near impossible to get information from or hack. I'm planning on having Neko infiltrate them as soon as we find the organisation. 

Sunday 10th March 2009, 

Today was absolutely mortifying! I can't even describe how bad it was! After the service, Chuuya got a little tipsy as was expected but he and Neko had a full-blown argument...well more like fight! I'm not sure who started it because I was trying to get my darling Elise to stop asking the vicar very inappropriate questions. The worst part was, was that it got physical! Neko initiated it as well which I did not expect and she even knocked Chuuya out! Granted it was a decent solution but still! It was so, so embarrassing. I'm starting to wonder though that little Neko might even be a better fighter than our Nakahara...

Monday 11th March 2009 ,

Neko's started speaking again but I sense she's drifting from the Mafia. She seems more grumpy (I know she's always tetchy but it's gotten worse) and a bit more snappy. She's less into her job and is training more. Her and Chuuya work well together but they always argue and I don't know why. It's much like the Double Black when they were still young. The two always bicker and once Neko even threatened to leave the Mafia! I really can't have an executive like her leave. 

Author's Note: Hiya! Quick note here, underlined means censored. 

Saturday 16th March 2009, 

We've found the organisation that Tachihara works for known as The Hunting Dogs and they work for the government and the Special Operation Division. Apparently, they're incredibly powerful gifted that catch gifted criminals. They also have to have operations once every month to keep them alive as their bodies are enhanced to the strength of 1000 soldiers. 

Friday 1st May 2009, 

Today went horribly. For the first time Chuuya lost it and used his corrupted form. Neko was able to bring him back though god knows how. He's in a critical condition in IC. It's feared he might not make it this time. 

Monday 11th May 2009, 

Today, Neko has to infiltrate the Hunting Dogs' facility again and replace the information we had previously taken to hide our tracks. I hope it's successful. A lot is riding on this. 

Tuesday 12th May 2009, 

She hasn't come back. I don't know what's happened. I'm starting to fear of all the different scenarios, none of which are good. 

Friday 15th May 2009, 

It's been 3 days and she hasn't come back. I've sent Gin to look for her but she hasn't found her. Not even a trace. Even my little elise is starting to get worried. She misses how she talked back to me apparently. She still won't wear the new dress I bought her though! Not even in a different colour! She says the design is 'too grown up'! She's so frustrating! 

Wednesday 21st October 2009, 

Neko's a Hunting Dog! She said she wanted to 'do good'! That she wanted to 'help make a difference'! She's still naive. Her mind is still young, as young as her age. No matter, she'll break soon enough. I'll make sure Nakahara runs into her.

Monday 10th November 2009, 

She didn't break! Chuuya's in a worse state than her! I underestimated Neko. She's strong and stubborn which isn't a good combo for us. She's still as cute as ever though with her little ears and tail. I can't believe she made it as a Hunting Dog! She's so young! I did however, hear that she refused to have the surgeries. I'm surprised, they allowed her to do that but she is definitely strong enough without them. Oh yeah! forgot to say Nakahara pulled through and about just as angry as ever. She's stronger than before, Neko, they've trained her well. She's already caught an incredibly dangerous terrorist...I fear for the Mafia...

I fear for the Mafia

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