Back at the flat

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Chuuya was pacing around restlessly when Dazai walked in.

"Damn! What's got your hair in a tangle hmm?~"

"Three more black lizards were killed."


"Hirostu's group. I reckon next time it'll be three form Gin's company." He continues to pace up and down stressing himself out even ore while trying to think.

"I don't think you're too far off there my little Chibi~" Cue angry Chuuya glare. "We could set a trap for them. The next attack will almost definitely be tomorrow at dusk or later under night cover."

"Who's gonna go then and what time? We'll need good fighters but also good watchers but not to many otherwise it'll be hard to hide them."

"I'd say us and Gin as well as her partner." Pauses thoughtfully for a few seconds. "Problem solved."

"Ya think so?"

"I know so. So what ya wanna dooo?~" Inches slightly closer to the shorter of the pair.

"Dunno...I really think we should try to figure this out though." Goes back to pacing up and down the apartment. Dazai grabs him gently by the waist. 

"Chibi~ It's late~ we can sort it out tomorrow.~"

He looks up at the later his ocean eyes expressing the only two emotions on his face; irritation and tiredness. "...Guess so..."

Dazai smirks his suggestive and amused smirk at his partner's innocence. "You guess right.~"

Nakahara sighs and pulls away from Dazai's touch and walks to their shared room. "Disturb me and it may be the last thing you ever do..." 

"Oh Chibi, you know that doesn't work on me.~ Pluuuss,~ It's my room too.~"

"I said if you disturb me not if you join me dumb ass." Leans against the door.

"Oh.~ Ok.~ So you want me to join you."

Chuuya sighs and 'rolls over' to face the door which caused him to hit his forehead on the white wooden and curse softly. "No...ugh! Just do what you want!" Walks into the bedroom slamming the door a little. Dazai chuckles softly to himself, yawns and opens the door walks into the room. Chuuya spins around to face the dark haired male. "DAZAI!" Turns back around folding his arms across his mostly exposed chest.. "Don't ya know what a closed door means, have you forgotten or do you simply not care?!"

The later smirks amused at his embarrassment. "My room too.~" Chuuya rolls his stormy eyes still with his back to his partner. Dazai moves closer almost serpent like. "Awwww~, you rolling your eyes?~ You're so shy it's adorable.~" He wraps his arms around the petit man resting his chin on his shoulder.

"What do you want shitty Dazai?"

"I don't want anything!...Just you...~"

"Oh really?"

"Really.~" He whispers his words softly in Nakahara's ear causing shivers to spread along his spine. "Why so worried?~"

"I dunno!" Tenses up a little.

"Hey just cill out.~ You don't need to worry.~" The ginger huffs folding his arms acting like a child in a pout. "C'mon.~"

Chuuya turns around seeming slightly suspicious of his partner. "Come on what?


"Eh? What'd ya mean?! I'm not that bad." Dazai wordlessly folds his arms raising an eyebrow looking down at Chuuya with one of his many 'looks'. Nakahara rolls his eyes. "Fine you make a good point." Folds his arms looking up at the brunet.

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