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The three of them all walk to the training area heading for one of the basements, the guards still standing ominously.                                                                                                                                

Dazai walks behind next to Atsushi. "He's not that bad...Just don't piss him off and you'll be fine. Besides, if I'm still alive you'll be fine." His tone is light hearted and joking. 

"Yeah but I can't fight so I'll get things wrong which'll probably be frustrating which means it'll annoy him!" He's starting to get all twitchy.

Dazai sighs. "Well if you're gonna be like that then I guess you will have to learn to dodge pretty fast. You'll get used to his patterns after a while. He's quite predictable." Dazai smirks to himself. 

Chuuya stomps heavily down the steps the sound echoing off the walls. "I can hear you ya know asshole?" They come to the bottom of the steps and Dazai opens them the door for them to go into the rather bleak training area. As Chuuya walked past making his comment Dazai leans forwards into his ear and lets out a breathy 'so?~' This just results in a glare from the ginger. To further annoy him, Atsushi walks in first so Dazai could then say 'Ladies first~' as Chuuya walks in shutting the door behind them and turning around to get punched in the face.

 To further annoy him, Atsushi walks in first so Dazai could then say 'Ladies first~' as Chuuya walks in shutting the door behind them and turning around to get punched in the face

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After Chuuya was pleased that Dazai got what he deserved he then turned to Atsushi. 

"Guard position." 

The training went on for some time. There were rings and bags all beaten up and a few blood stains here and there. Dazai sat on the bottom step watching with interest as the two worked and occasionally used as a demonstration only to result in arguing. 

"Jab, cross roll, hook, round house." Chuuya calls out the pattern. He has dirt all over his clothes and a fresh bruise on his cheek due to a short sparing bout with Dazai who sat clutching his bloodied nose on the step pouting angrily, resembling that of a three-year-old. 

Author's note: Anyone see the resemblance?

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Author's note: Anyone see the resemblance?...Ok moving on...

Atsushi follows the instructions but doesn't roll faster enough and gets lightly smacked around  the back of his head. "Hey! What was that for?!" 

Shadow Reaper - Soukoku - What if Dazai stayed in the Port Mafia?...Where stories live. Discover now