☆Pomni x m! Jester reader x Ragatha ☆

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Requested by BrianGeller
I apologise but this is more angst, since I'm not very good at writing Romance.

You hate Pomni. It was that simple. And all you could think about while scratching drawings with smoothe finesse on your messy room walls. You continued with furrowed eyebrows, barely focusing on the drawing until a loud knocking ran through your room. A groan escaped your lips as you trudged to the smoothe wooden rectangle, opening it to be met with a head of familiar red, woolen hair.

"Hello, [Na-" "What do you want, Raggy?" She seemed taken aback by your hostility, stuttering slightly before continuing her sentance.

"Well- y'know Pomni.?" "Yes..?" "Well, I was thinking that maybe, you could, maybe.. haveapropermeetingwithher.? heh.." She was terribly nervous, blurting out her words helplessly to your taller male stature. You stared down at her with no emotion before simply saying 'no' and going to close your door. A familiar rag-dolls foot stopped the impact.

"Why?" She asked, a new blossom of confidence making itself known.

"It's, non of your business, Raggy. Now leave me alone." The words left your mouth with a tinge of anger which even you weren't prepared for.

"No, it is my business, she's obviously bothering you somehow, why?" Now she sounded a small part angry, and you couldn't blame her. Your eyebrows furrowed once again. You couldn't shake the feeling that she was replacing you, Pomni. But you wouldn't let Ragatha know that, she's stressed enough.

"Non. Of. Your. ☆¡#?!ing. Business." You said before slamming the door harshly, forcing Ragatha to move her foot out of instinct. You heard Ragatha huffing from the other side of the door, but ignored it.


The next day was no better. Kaufmo had abstracted. Pomni was still skittish and annoying. Ragatha was acting oddly towards you and everything was wrong. Currently you were sat with the crew, including Caine, thinking of a new themesong. Multiple times you had questioned if you could just cut Pomni from the song completely, as you were all finding it's difficult to find words that rhymed with 'Pomni'. Jax agreed on numerous occasions, and other people were considering it aswell before Ragatha spoke up once again.

"Why should we not include Pomni!?" why why why, is that all you can say? "When I came you included me!" because you weren't difficult "Just because some of you don't like Pomni, it doesn't mean we shouldn't include her, she's a jester just like [Name], is she not?!" That's the problem "Uhm.. Ragatha? I really don't mind, it is hard to rhyme with Pomni.." Shut up, Jester.

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