☆They make you cry☆

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♡ She immidiently regrets whatever she said or did. Her hands cup her mouth as she gasps.

♡ She rushes to your side, tearing up slightly as she apologises profusely while hugging you tightly, leaving small creases in whatever you wear and small, cat-like scratches in your skin.

♡ She'd feel absolutely horrible, even if you assured her that it was just a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing.


♡ He'd just mutter 'oh dear' as he saw you tearing up, he'd never expect to actually ever make you cry.

♡ He'd be nervous to touch you, his hands would twitch from himself towards you, then back again before settling around you securely. He'd quietly say 'sorry, dear' to the side of your head lots and lots as he let's you cry yourself dry on his shoulder.

♡ He'd feel dreadful, maybe even for the next few days even if you had forgiven him. Hed truly never known you'd cry because of him, even he hadn't known that.


♡ She'd be truly appaled at herself. She knew that sometimes she can be a tad snarky when she's tired, but not like this. Never this angry. And certainly not at you.

♡ She'd be screaming at herself in her head as she cries herself, crying that she's sorry and throwing her whole body at you. She wouldn't stop apologising until you told her that it's okay, and that you forgave her.

♡ Ragatha would not fully forgive herself until at least a month later.


♡ He'd be genuinly surprised that his teasing would make you cry, he'd be quite disappointed in himself, you were the only person that ever really tolerate him.

♡ He'd mutter 'oh' before encasing you in his arms, saying he was sorry as you cried into his shoulder. He's bull ¡☆#?! at comforting, so he just sits both of you down with his head on yours, apologising quietly.

♡ He'd be quite quiet around you for a while, he felt actual guilt for pretty much the first time ever.


♡ If she somehow ever made you cry, she'd burst into tears straight away. Just the thought of accidently making you cry made her tear up, never mind actually making you cry.

♡ Once you regained your composure, you comforted her through her sea of pleas for forgiveness, tears and sorry's. She felt actually horrible and she cried for hours.

♡ Her happy mask didn't come on for a while after the incident, she was overrun with guilt and sorrow.


♡ They didn't even realise at first. That was what got to them, the fact that you were crying and they were still yelling all because they had a bad day. The notion that they could take out their anger on you so easily angered them.

♡ They stopped yelling, finally, and through their pants of breathlessness, they saw the small waterfall of tears streaming down from each eye. They didn't know how long ago you started crying and they didn't want to.

♡ They frantically apologised, running up and wiping your ever falling tears before hugging you tightly, embarrassed and ashamed of themself. It took them a while to get over that.


♡ He didn't mean to, he really didn't. But he was getting more paranoid, and getting more scared by the day. He didn't know what to do when you began to cry, he really wanted to scream and run but he couldn't. He knew he couldn't.

♡ He didn't want you to leave him, so he cried that he was sorry, yelling for forgiveness through his tears before latching onto you tightly, begging you not to leave him alone.

♡ After a while his begs just became small whimpered pleas and he fell asleep, waking up in your shoulder damp with his tears, and finding his own damp from yours.


♡ He scared you too much this time. You had watched him eat a Gloink alive and it was disgusting. You could hear the fake bones breaking in between his teeth and the poor things cries of distraught and pain.

♡ Bubble didn't think that it would affect you that much but, he was wrong. And the worst part was, he didn't even do anything about it. He just hid with his sorrow in Caine's hat for a while, before coming back out like nothing ever happened.

Gummi Goo🐊

♡ He'd be stressed about being an NPC. He'd never meant to make you cry, but it all got too much, and he ended up yelling at you, about how he missed his old life, how he wished he'd never left, how he wished he'd never met you.

♡ He really didn't mean that last part, and he'd realise how stupid he was as he saw you tearing up, her tail going slack between his legs and his hand coming up to fiddle with the others fingers.

♡ He'd apologise, muttering something along the lines of 'I'm so sorry, Shiela.' as he went to hug you, opening his arms, not forcing you into it. He'd lean his head on your shoulder with his tail around your legs once you hug him back, because who could say no to that face?

 He'd lean his head on your shoulder with his tail around your legs once you hug him back, because who could say no to that face?

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