☆If you abstracted☆

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Going thru my angst faze fr

Going thru my angst faze fr

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♡ She'd scream and beg for Caine to bring you back. You were the only thing keeping herself from abstracting and she just didn't know what to do with you gone.

♡ Ragatha felt horrible about her situation aswell, and tried to get her to include herself in adventures as much as she could, Ragatha really didn't know if she could bare loosing you and Pomni at the same time.

♡ She couldn't bring herself to come to your funeral, but she created your memorial. She knew you best, after all.


♡ He couldn't bare having to put you in the cellar. He just had you floating in the air for a minute or two, pleading with you to go back to normal so he wouldn't have to do this.

♡ He wasn't the same for a long time. He barely ever came out from wherever he goes when he's hiding from something. Even Bubble couldn't find him in this time. For a while he hoped that he'd somehow abstract so that he could be with you, but the show has to go on.

♡ Almost opposite to Pomni, he'd have his own, private funeral for you. He'd make a whole new landscape, just for your memorial. It's a realistic flower field.


♡ She really just wouldn't know what to do. She'd have to be held back by Jax and Zooble as you went into the celler. She cried, and begged, and pleaded and screamed through tears for Caine to bring you back. She really just didn't know what to do.

♡ She almost abstracted. Jax had to help her through it. Most days, if she wasn't crying in her or your room, she'd be sitting above where the cellar opens, half hoping you'd come out safe, and half hoping she'd be dragged down to be with you.

♡ She arranged your funeral, made the memorial and gave a long speech, through tears, for you. She thought it was the least you deserved.


♡ For the first time since he came he just really didn't know what to do. A few stray tears ran down his face but for the most part, he was just still.

♡ He became destructive again, his 'pranks' just being cruel activities and his jokes just being mean. He'd try to destroy lots of things, including his room. He slept in your room alot, until your scent left aswell.

♡ He usually doesn't speak for the funerals, but he gave a speech at yours. It was sloppy, and short, but he barely made it through without crying.


♡ She'd scream and cry, almost jumping down the hole if Ragatha hadn't took ahold of her ribbon. As soon as it closed she ran to where the cellar hole was and balled her eyes out.

♡ Even after months, her happy mask almost never came back on. She tried to remember how you fixed her masks but she just couldn't, she'd make new ones instead. She put all of her broken ones where the cellar hole opened up, and they fall down whenever something abstracted. She hoped you had her masks, she hoped you remembered your own work.

♡ She made your memorial and gave a speech, but she couldn't make it through it before crashing to the ground and sobbing.


♡ They'd act like she didn't care, but they did and it was obvious because, they couldn't even watch you be lowered into the cellar. They took alot of things from your room and put it in theirs.

♡ Every now and again, Zooble would visit your room to clean it because they couldn't bare it being unclean, it made them believe that you'd be happy if you came back.

♡ They arranged the funeral and gave a speech, but they couldn't bear going into your room, so they didn't make the memorial. Surprisingly, they didn't cry. They didn't think you'd want them too.


♡ He screamed alot and directed it mostly at Caine, begging him to bring you back through tears and sobs. As soon as you grot lowered down, he ran to his actual room for just about the first time. He really didn't want to be anywhere near the cellar.

♡ He eventually went back to his fort, but he moved it right outside the cellar hole incase you ever came out to be back with him.

♡ He watched your funeral from his fort. Couldn't bring himself to attend, or help with it. He'll forget soon anyways, right?


♡ This is one of the few things he wouldn't agree with Caine on, but he'd stay quiet out of fear.

♡ He'd stare when the cellar opens constantly, just incase you come back out at any time.

♡ Wasn't allowed to go tot he funeral.

Gummi Goo🐊

♡ He'd just ask Caine to send him back to Candy Canyon. There'd be no point in staying in the circus if you weren't there.

♡ He wouldn't be the same, more depressed, more snappy with his mates, no pun intended. He just can't replace you, not with anything.

 He just can't replace you, not with anything

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