☆You crawl out of the cellar☆

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Requested by BillyB10 Thank you :)

Requested by BillyB10 Thank you :)

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♡ She'd be terrified at first, scared that she'd gone insane, scared that you'd hate her for not saving you.

♡ If you ran and hugged her, she'd burst into happy tears, laughing through her sobs while clutching onto you with all her strength, as if she's afraid you be dragged back down to the cellar if she let go.

♡ Pomni would never leave your side again, she's too scared that you might get abstracted again, or go back down.


♡ He'd be the one to re-open the cellar after he heard you screaming. He'd do it without even thinking.

♡ He'd fix you up, had you been glitched, and hug you while spinning up into the air, placing soft kisses on your cheeks. Nobody would see him for a few days because he'd just be preoccupied with you.

♡ He'd always make sure you were happy, and keep you away from the cellar as to not get abstracted again.


♡ She'd be too stunned to do anything at first, just watching as you brought yourself to your feet, safe and sound.

♡ After a few seconds though, she'd run at you eith tears streaming down her face before bringing you into a massive bear hug. She'd be sobbing into your shoulder while you both spin slowly.

♡ She'd never leave you again, always holding your hand and whatnot while talking absentmindedly to you.


♡ His eyes would widen and his pupils would shrink. He really, really thought that he was going insane, until you turned to him and smiled manically.

♡ In one of the few times he'd show vulnerability, he'd run to you and scoop you up into his arms, laughing happily while profusely admitting that 'you're here, you're really here!'.

♡ He wouldn't admit it, but he'd not leave your side for quite awhile, maybe even holding your hand infront of other people.


♡ She'd burst into tears immediately, scared that you'd hate her for not saving you sooner.

♡ She'd still be apologising through tears as you scooped her up, her sorrow only subsiding when you convince her that it wasn't her fault, and that you don't hate her.

♡ She almost tied her hand around yours to stay near you, but she decided not to, letting you live your own life with her by your side.


♡ Like Jax, they was stunned for a few minutes, watching you crawl out and onto your feet.

♡ They'd walk slowly to you, hugging you slowly aswell, yet securely, as if you'd leave them again. They'd whisper in your ear that they missed you alot, and maybe let a few small tears spilled out.

♡ When there's danger, they stands infront of you. Zooble believes that you've already gone through enough pain, not wanting you to go through any more.


♡ He'd scream before curling up into a ball and crying, he really believes that his mind was tricking him to go down into the cellar.

♡ He'd stop suddenly when you wrap your arms around his shaking ball of a figure, before bursting into tears once again, latching onto you firmly and hiding himself in you.

♡ He's been alot more jumpy since you left, and still is, jumping into your arms and snuggling up to you for comfort constantly.


♡ He'd go and, gently, push hiself up to you as soon as you came out.

♡ He couldn't be happier that you're finally out, he knew that you'd try and come back to him because you'd never leave him alone.

♡ Even Caine couldn't find him for a while, because he was busy hanging out with you.

Gummi Goo🐊

♡ He wouldn't know until you had to go on another adventure after abstraction. Caine reused him, but he remembered everything, his coding changed. He remembered you.

♡ After seeing you, he ran up, picking you up and twirling you around happily, his tail thrashing up a storm beneath him while he laughed, small tears of happiness coming to his eyes.

♡ He'd beg you to go back to the circus, not that he needed to, but he would. After he got there, evading almost dieing by Caine's hand again narrowly, he'd just.. be with you. He wouldn't let you go, not again.

 He wouldn't let you go, not again

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