☆They hear you laugh for the first time☆

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I got this idea from NerrisKinnie I suggest you go read thier TADC book, I find it increadable!

☆They hear you laugh for the first time since you arrived/ you're very serious and they never heard you laugh before☆

☆They hear you laugh for the first time since you arrived/ you're very serious and they never heard you laugh before☆

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♡ She loved your laugh, even if you were snorting she was in a trance from the noise. She thought it was beautiful.

♡ She began to laugh with a large smile on her face, relieved that after everything, you could still enjoy this world.


♡ He cherished that moment, and he remembered the pitch, volume and even the simple noise of your laugh, even if he tried he couldn't.

♡ He'd do anything to hear that laugh again, to have it ring through his non-existent ears again. He couldn't help but bare a large smile when he first heard it.


♡ At first, she was taken aback by it, not expecting you to laugh at any time but she loved it. She though your laugh was a sign of hope for everyone. If you of all people could find joy, then it couldn't be that hard for anyone else.

♡ She soon found herself laughing along with you, the sound of the giggling and laughing creating a sweet harmony in the air.


♡ He was more proud of you than anything. He'd never admit it, but he was proud of you for laughing. With how hard it must be to even muster a chuckle.

♡ Like Caine, he'd try ever so hard to hear that laugh again, the sweet symphony ringing through his ears loudly.


♡ She looked absolutely dumbfounded the first time you laughed, before her eyes sparkled and the :3 face crept up onto her mask.

♡ She hugged onto you, which made you stop before she cried 'no!'. That made you laugh more, which made her laugh.


♡ It scared them a but the first time you laughed, because they weren't expecting it. They just sat there surprised for a bit before chuckling along with you.

♡ They were happy that you were laughing more than anything, they were getting rather worried when you weren't even laughing a bit at Jax's jokes.


♡ He just stared at you very harshly, before screaming and apologising and timidly explaining that he liked you laugh alot, and that it was pretty.

♡ This made you laugh again which made him laugh along with you for the first time in awhile, while cuddling up to your ever rising and falling chest.


♡ His laugh made you laugh. It sounded like a pig with a blocked nose. Very funny.

♡ He was glad that you laughed, even if it was at his own expense. He ended up telling everyone about it and they tried to make him laugh around you so you'd laugh again, which worked.

Gummi Goo🐊

♡ He loves it. He smiles as you laugh, feeling proud of himself, of you, for coming this far. It'd been so long since he was forced to leave his world, and this just reminded him of it. Of his life.

♡ He won't laugh with you, but he'll sit and admire you happily, his eyes squinted happily from the large smile on his snout.

♡ He won't laugh with you, but he'll sit and admire you happily, his eyes squinted happily from the large smile on his snout

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