☆How they confessed☆

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♡ By accident.

♡ You did something that made her laugh and through her giggle she muttered "This is why I love you!" loud enough for you to hear.

♡ She froze for a moment and stopped laughing with you, and was going to apologise before you gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Which made her pass out.


♡ He was actually rather nervous when he confessed.

♡ He did the thing when he lost his composure with Pomni, as in being in the air and softly kicking his feet back and forth. He scrunched and unscrunched his fists before quickly asking,

"Doyouwanttobemydigitalpartnerforever?" and closing his mouth straight after so he wouldn't have to see you when you answered.

♡ You took his gloved hand softly, before kissing his knuckles and laughing at his dumbfounded reaction.


♡ She did it on purpose.

♡ When you were chatting she suddenly said while looking at you dead in the eye,

"I love you. So much." before kissing you softly on the lips, hoping with all her might that you'd reciprocate, which you did.

♡ She had a large, goofy smile on her face when you both pulled away, and she scooted closer to you.


♡ He also did it on accident. Surprisingly.

♡ While he was teasing you, you rolled your eyes and made a snarky yet flirtatios remark which made him thump his foot a bit.

"I love you so much, y'know that?" He blurted out, before realising what he had said and went silent for the first time in ages. He murmed a quiet 'oh ¡☆#?!.'

♡ He then gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before running off and locking himself in his room.


♡ You did it.

♡ Recently you had noticed that she was becoming more flustered around you, and her happy mask was on a lot more when near you. You left a note on her room door saying that you loved her back, and that you'll talk about it to her tomorrow.

♡ The next day she went to your room early and found out you'd known for quite awhile. She apologised for some reason before you cut her off with a kiss, which made her happy mask go on for the rest of the day.


♡ They did it on purpose.

♡ You made a jokey, flirty remark and laughed when they blushed, you thought out of embarrassment, which made them rather annoyed.

"Don't you realise that I love you?" They said with annoyance in their voice, this made you stop your laughing and stare at them with a dumbfounded look.

♡ They shoved their lipless face against yours, making a 'mwah' sound to show they kissed you, before walking away like nothing ever happened.


♡ He did it kinda purpose, kinda accident.

♡ You were hugging him in his fort, as he had gotten terrified of something and needed comfort for about an hour. He was still shaking violently when you moved slightly, making him screech and hold onto you tighter.

"Don't leave me! I love you!" He pleaded, you thought through the words that perhaps he hadn't realised what he said, but he did, sort of.

♡ He just hadn't meant for it to come out, but he was glad in did when you kissed his crown softly, making him loosen his grip on you, but snuggle to your side more.


♡ He didn't.

♡ Bubble just kinda believed all along that you two were dating, and never really asked you. Which lead to confusion when he suddenly kissed your cheek but, to each there own I suppose.

Gummi Goo🐊

♡ He did it the most normal of everyone.

♡ He made a small campfire, with some flowers he found laying around the extra rooms of the circus, and after forcing the moon to be quiet, he took you there. He sat opposite you, his tail thumping in anticipation as he spoke.

"Listen, I know I haven't been 'ere fa too long but, I know I love ya more than anythin', and I'd be really happy ta be ya love." He said slowly, looking away with a small blush dusting his cheeks before looking back at you, his tail now swaying.

♡ He'd be over the moon once you said yes, immidietly wishing to your side and pressing a kiss to your cheek with his snout, pushing his head into your shoulder with his tail thumping, both of you watching the fire grow, like your growing love.

♡ He'd be over the moon once you said yes, immidietly wishing to your side and pressing a kiss to your cheek with his snout, pushing his head into your shoulder with his tail thumping, both of you watching the fire grow, like your growing love

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