Nine Months

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Three Days Later
June 11th; 2023
Taylor Swift's Point of View
I'm laying on the couch miserable in 20 different ways. I surf through the channels trying to find something tolerable to watch but all of it just feels like garbage. I'm all alone and I've blocked every person out of my life. I refuse to talk to anyone which is abnormal of me but I'm not coping. I haven't told my mom anything about what happened and I don't know if I'll ever have the guts to. She always rooted for Travis and I's happy ending. It's probably the hormones but I never stop crying. You have hormonal imbalances while pregnant and after birth which is something to look forward to.

I hear the doorbell ring and I slowly get off the couch. It takes me way too long but that's what happens when you have the center of gravity of a cow. I look through the peephole and groan.

"Go away Travis!" I yell through the door.

"No! I want to talk about this!" He yells back.

"I already told you that the baby is gone. You don't need to be here!"

"I want to be here!"

I pause for a moment but stick my ground. "Well, I don't. I want you to leave me the fuck alone."

"You didn't even tell me until days later! I think you owe me the respect of a conversation."

"I don't owe you anything."

"I'll just wait out here." Travis puts his foot down, refusing to leave.

"Bye Travis."

"I have the dog." He adds on. Damn why does the man have to tempt me with his dog?

"Rambo?" I don't like Chauncey.

"He's been whining for ten days straight. He misses you. I think you should have him for now. He clearly loves you and you need him more than I do."

"Let me guess, I only get the dog if I let you in?"

"I'm not an asshole like that. If you're not ready to talk to me, I'll wait out here until you are."

"How do you know I'll want to talk to you?"

"Have you missed me at all?"

I unlock the door and slowly open it. "Yes." We both walk and sit down at the kitchen table. I've never seen Rambo so happy. He's wagging his tail to a point where his butt is moving with it. I make sure to give him lots of love before talking to Travis.

"You still look pregnant." He immediately comments.

"Thanks." I roll my eyes with a scoff.

"No-I didn't. I'm sorry."

"It takes a while for the bump to go away." I explain.

"The baby's due date was supposed to be four days from now. She would have been born any day."

"I know."

"I should have come sooner."

"No, it's okay." I feel another cramp like pain and dig my fingernails into the table. I take a deep breath, keeping my eyes shut.

"Are you okay?" Travis asks.

"Yeah. I'm having some postpartum stuff. I get these shitty pains. They should stop soon." Travis reaches over and holds my hand for me to squeeze. "Thank you." I tell him.

"No problem. I like your dress." He chuckles. My maternity dress says I swear it's not another cat.

"Thank you." I laugh too.

"I miss you and I want you in my life . The baby might be the only reason we stayed in each others lives, but right now I'm staying because I love you. I know you're not the type of girl to forgive a guy because he said sorry but maybe we can start over? I can't lose you like this."

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