Independence Day

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July 4th; 2026
One Week Later
Taylor Swift's Point of View
All of this week I've been trying to take in the fact that Travis has a son. What's more daunting is that I'll be the mother figure in Cameron's life. He's going to forget about Grace and who is he supposed to look to then? The cats? Then I'm going to have to handle two toddlers and a newborn which is a seemingly impossible task.

As I surpass the 28-week mark of my pregnancy, discomfort has begun to manifest, although not yet overwhelming. Persistent heartburn has plagued me for the past week, and the expanding weight of my belly is causing aches and pains that seem to intensify with each passing day. Despite attempts to alleviate the discomfort through walks and stretches, nothing works.

Right now I'm helping to set up for my iconic Fourth of July party. I have one every year and they're definitely the highlight. The caterers are setting up the food and I'm hanging up some decorations. I'm honestly exhausted with the weight that Ducky carries on me. I put my hands on my back and stretch in an attempt to alleviate some discomfort but I'm still ridden with it.

"What are you doing? You should be relaxing." Travis sneaks up from behind and kisses me on the cheek. He wraps his arm around my waist as he stands next to me.

"I want to make sure it's perfect. You know how I  am." I sigh.

"I do but I also know you are in your third trimester and should be taking it easy." Travis moves over and puts his hand over the bump which makes the baby respond with a kick. Travis and giggle and I look at him smiling. God, he's so happy and here I am trying to put myself together. Is it weird to be jealous? "I think she agrees that you should take a break."

"Fine, fine." I put the balloons down that I was blowing up and set them on the table. Travis and I go inside and sit down on the couch which feels like a cloud right now.

"I know you said you're okay with it but are you positive? If you're not ready, I can tell Grace that you're not ready." When Travis suggested inviting them to the party I had to go against all instincts. Seeing Grace again for the first time in two years and meeting her son for the first time has definitely put me on edge.

"It's time I just bite the bullet." I sigh.

Travis kneels in front of me and places his hand on my bump with a smile. "You have the best mom in the world, Ducky."

"She's lucky to have you as her dad." I put my hand over his and felt the warmth of his love.

"You look absolutely gorgeous today." He compliments.

"God, no I don't. I'm only 28 weeks and I've already put on 33 pounds." (15kg)

"Aren't you only supposed to-" I cut him off and start to spiral immediately.

"Yes! Shut up! I'm only supposed to put on 30 but I can't help it! All the baby wants is junk food! I still have 12 more weeks and I need to lose weight now!" My spiral continues and I feel the weight of a thousand bricks fall on my chest.

"Calm down, Tay."

"I need Froot Loops. The kind with the marshmallows." Cereal has become my newest pregnancy craving. Especially Froot Loops.

"We're having a whole catered party-" Travis tries to explain but logic doesn't exist with pregnancy.

"I don't care! I'm freaking out, and all I want is Froot Loops," I cry out in frustration.

"Okay..." Travis cautiously retreats to the kitchen. Moments later, he returns with the box of Froot Loops, handing it to me apprehensively. Without hesitation, I dive into the cereal, devouring it as if I haven't eaten in days.

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