The Family Man

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One Month Later
November 11th; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Travis has a bye week and I decided to take a couple of days off from training to visit Kylie and Jason in Philadelphia with my mom. I've had to start weaning Vi off of breast milk to formula and it's been a team effort. I have to switch her for The Eras Tour. My mom and dad will be helping me take care of her a lot during preparation for it. Once the tour starts again Travis will be in off-season.
Motherhood isn't as easy as I thought it would be. Everyone kept saying I'd be a natural. I've been told for years I'd be this outstanding mother but when the moment came it felt as if I didn't live up to the standard. It's not easy. I've learned limitless love, and letting go of control, and I should embrace the new me. The moment they placed her in my arms I became someone new. A person who is so much more generous and selfless. I think I like that sleep-deprived person better. I'm starting to get used to things and I finally accepted it's okay to take a break for five minutes and come back. Oh, and Travis and I figured out sex again. Turns out lube is a godsend.

"How's motherhood treating you?" My mom asks.

"I feel like I'm taking care of a Tamagotchi on steroids." I lightly bounce Viola in my arms as she coos.

"Stop." She laughs.

"It's true! I feed her, I change her, I burp her, and I put her down to sleep. Then it's just repeated."

"Do you remember the Tamagotchi you had when you were little?"

"Yes and how you brutally murdered it." I scoff sarcastically.

"It wouldn't stop beeping!" The toy's older models are known for making a loud beeping sound when your pet needs something.

"You didn't have to throw it out the window into the snow."

"If it's any consolation, I won't throw your new Tamagotchi out the window."

"I hope so." I laugh.

"Let me hold my granddaughter." My mom holds out her hands and I turn away.

"Wash your hands first," I instruct.

"She's five months old. She's fine." My mom rolls her eyes.

"Hands!" I insist.

"Sometimes I forget she's your first." She stands up and walks to the bathroom. Did she say my first? She thinks I'm going to have more kids? Does she think I'm going to be having them with Travis? Oh dear god I am not ready for that. I look down at Vi who officially has half her hand in her mouth for no apparent reason. Not going to panic. Not starting that today.

My mom walks back in and sits down with her hands clean. I slowly hand Viola to her and my mom takes her happily. Vi loves my mom so much. She tends to greet her with a smile. "Hello, my sweet darling. You got such a great big smile!" She exclaims in joy.

"Isn't she the cutest?"

"The best." My mom constantly spoils her. Every time she visits she showers her gifts and love. I look at the two of them bonding with a smile but I can't help but feel partially anxious. My leg bounces restlessly as fold my hands.

My mom observes what's happening and tries to hide her frown but it's obvious. "How are you doing, sweetheart?"

"I'm fine, Mom." I start to gnaw my nails to the quick.

"Do you want her back?" My mom sighs witnessing my desperation.

"Yes. I mean, no. I want her but my therapist said I should let other people hold her." I'm still struggling with my depression and anxiety but it's nowhere near the severity it used to be.

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