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Two Weeks Later
March 2nd; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Travis and I have spent every day together. I'm no longer lovesick but rather enamored. Both of us are quickly falling for each other and I want to spend every second with him. It's the off-season now so I get plenty of time with him. We're in the honeymoon phase of our relationship already. We skip those awkward dates and spend a lot of the time well...we spend a lot of time having sex. It's starting to get exhausting if I were to be honest with you. It's just that I'm almost in my third trimester and sex is a lot of work. My libido would definitely disagree. Part of me is ashamed that I was so quick to be with Travis after what he did but I couldn't resist. I don't regret my decision because the last two weeks have been amazing.
Right now it's early in the morning and I'm cuddled up with Travis. We haven't said anything. We've just been using each other's presence as a means of communicating. The touch of his hand against mine and his arm wrapped around me. It's like we're in sync. I look up and kiss him on the lips.

"As adorable as it is, that nasal strip does not work." Travis smiles with a small laugh.

"Really? Ugh!" I groan frustrated. My newest pregnancy symptom is snoring and I don't mean that cute little itty bitty snoring. I sound like a fucking freight train according to Travis. I tried one of those nasal strips but I guess it didn't help.

"You only woke me up four times last night. I'm getting used to it!" I guess that's something. Last week I was waking him up hourly.

I looked into his eyes as joy radiated from mine. The grin that comes across my face is impossible to remove. I could lay here with him forever but I have to pee. I get out of bed and do my due diligence. The baby loves making me pee every five seconds. It's a hobby of hers. While I'm up I might as well get ready and take a shower. Once the shower warms up, I step in and let the water soak my hair. The extra hormones have increased the thickness of my hair which has been interesting.

"Boo!" Travis opens the door to the shower out of nowhere, bare ass naked.

"What the fuck?! You scared me half to death!" My heart rate begins to relax from the spike of Travis scaring me.

"So, you're naked, I'm naked. There's this thing people tend to do when they're both naked."

"Travis..." I roll my eyes with a smirk. He steps into the shower with me and starts to kiss up my neck. I close my eyes for a moment, biting down on my lip. He caresses my waist and I try to resist him. "Travis, I think we should talk about our relationship."

"What do you mean?" He asks kissing my breasts.

"Like what are we? All we do is have sex and talk about the baby." I hold in the moan that desperately wants to escape from me.

"Can't we do that after?"

I pause and think for a minute. "Sure. Why not?" He pushes me against the tile wall and I hit my head. "Jesus Christ! Be careful!" I rub my head for a minute trying to soothe the pain.


"Okay, how do we do this?"

"Have you not had sex in a shower?"

"Not while 25 weeks pregnant!" I remind him.

"Okay, that does make that a challenge. What if you...maybe I can pick you up?"

Travis picks me up and I wrap my thighs around him. We both smile and start to kiss again but Travis quickly loses his grip due to the water and my protruding stomach. "This isn't working."

"Turn around and let me see your ass. Maybe that will be easier."

"How horny are you!?"


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