New Year's Eve

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One Year Later
December 31st; 2025
Taylor Swift's Point of View
I haven't thrown a quality New Year's Party since I was with Joe but it's been two and a half years since we broke up. I think it's time we bring it back. To think I've been with Travis for almost two years now is unreal. Also, I'm still just his girlfriend by the way. You know how he said he wanted to make a wife out of me? Hey Travis, it's been almost two years and we have a kid together! I feel like I'm tapping the watch on my wrist waiting for this man to propose to me. Every time I catch up with a friend they ask if he's proposed or if I have any suspicions that it'll happen soon. Unfortunately, the answer keeps coming up as haha nope. I'm 36, Travis. I'm not gonna wait forever! That's a lie, I'll wait as long as needed because love isn't defined by marital status. But goddammit Travis!
But my god Viola. She's everything to me and more. She has the best personality in the world and I love everything about her. She loves all animals, especially Rambo. She would play in the snow for hours if we'd let her. I get to see her grow and develop every day and it's an honor to do so. There are so many celebrities that just leave their kids to be raised by a nanny but I never could do that. My schedule was always horrid and adding Viola to it was a nightmare. Of course, Grandma and Grandpa are always there to help. If I'm going to have anyone help raise her it'll be my parents before all else.

My dad decided he wanted to simply be called grandpa but every time Viola sees him she calls him Baba and I believe it's starting to stick. It's making my mom debate if she should change from grandma to something else.

"Hey, I think my dad is here to pick up Viola. Can you let him in?" We're in my apartment in New York City and it's going to be a very hot scene tonight here. Tons of paparazzi will be showing up and there will be loud music so I asked my dad to watch Viola for the night. He was more than happy to.

"Hey, Scott. Welcome in." I hear Travis talking to my dad as I continue to set up for the party.

"Where's my Peanut?" My dad asks.

"Baba!" ViVi squeals and runs over to my dad. My dad picks her up and spins her in a circle.

"I wonder where she got that from." I giggle setting down a bottle of champagne. I walk over to my dad and kiss Vi on the cheek.

"You look gorgeous, sweetheart."

"Thank you, Dad." I'm wearing a silver sequin dress that goes to my ankles along with heels. I finished it off with my iconic cat eye and red lips.

"Everything you need is by the front door and we booked the hotel for you," Travis says.

"Goodbye, my sweet girl! Mommy loves you so much!" I give her another kiss which stains her forehead red with lipstick.

"Man, you guys are really trying to kick me out." My dad chuckles.

"More like we're trying to kick out Vi and you're a package deal." Travis comments.

"Baba, Baba." ViVi grabs onto my dad's shirt with a grin.

"You guys are awful!"

"We just need a break from the crotch goblin sometimes," I explain.

"Did you just call our daughter a crotch goblin?"

"Oh like we didn't call her worse when she went through her sleep regression."

"The war flashbacks..."

"I think we called her the devil at some point." I sigh remembering how miserable Travis and I were those three weeks.

"She kept screaming!" Travis exclaims in terror as if he's reliving the event. I'm starting to relive the nightmare of that time too now.

"Anyways, please, take your grandchild. I insist. She really wants to go with her Baba." ViVi is clenching onto my dad as I start to push him out the door. Travis picks up Viola's things so my dad doesn't have to carry them to the car.

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