The Backup Plan

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Two Weeks Later
April 7th; 2026
Taylor Swift's Point of View
15 weeks. That's how far I should be into this pregnancy. If you math the math correctly that is. Travis came to the hospital with me and Viola to get my first ultrasound. I asked if he wanted to come and he was hesitant but said yes. You might ask why I'm not taking Viola and running. He's the father and I still know Travis. He's going to stick around. I also have faith that things will change eventually. He can't be like this forever. My morning sickness still hasn't gone away which is frustrating since it's supposed to go away by now. Since Travis knows I'm pregnant I haven't been hiding symptoms from him. Mostly my profuse vomiting. Sometimes he'll hold back my hair and rub my back even when it's two in the morning. Last night I started to cry from how much I hated it and he held me close until I calmed down. I know it's not what we wanted to happen but part of me thinks the baby is bringing us back together. You shouldn't have children to fix a relationship but it's been unintentionally happening. He wants to be there for the baby no matter what. But he still hasn't apologized for what he said to me.
I'm growing bigger and faster than I did during my first pregnancy. I've learned that this is normal for a second pregnancy but now I'm scared for what the future holds. I was expecting an internal ultrasound today but the doctors informed me I was far along enough and didn't need to. I could do an external one and be just fine. Ducky is going to complicate things but by the end, I know they'll be our gift.

I know I won't find out until later but I'm hoping Ducky is a boy. I've always wanted to have one of each. What's more important to me is the health of the baby. I'd rather have a healthy girl than a boy with health issues. Ducky is going to be so loved and I'm overjoyed for them to join this world. I'm lying back on the table with my shirt already lifted as I wait for the doctor. I've done this before.

"Are you excited?" I smile looking at Travis.

"Sure." He fakes a smile and holds my hand. I can tell he doesn't feel what I feel. I move my hand over my stomach and put his hand on my bump.

"I call them Ducky." I put my hand over his trying to get him to connect.


"Granola wasn't as fitting," I explain.

"What are we doing? This baby, Viola, my leg? What is happening?"

"I don't know. All I know is I want Ducky and you're welcome to leave if you want." I've always been fine with giving him an out. I don't want a child to be raised by a father who doesn't love them.

"Taylor, you know me well enough to know I'd never do that to you."

"Do I? Your actions over the last few months have been very questionable."

"If keeping this baby is truly what you want, then I'll learn how to live with it. I'll never leave you, Viola, or...Ducky." His smile was genuine this time which gave me some faith.

"But I want you to want to be here for Ducky. Do not feel obligated to because you're the father. It scares me you won't really love Ducky."

"I might not feel so connected with them right now but I bet I'll feel better later." The relief that washed over me when he said that was enough for now.

"We also have another problem. I'm starting my second trimester and I'm starting to get to the symptoms know." 


"And the fact we haven't since New Year's isn't helping." Aka my libido is increasing and I want to have sex.

"So what do you want to do?"

I quickly reach over and cover Viola's ears. "For the love of god Travis, fuck your girlfriend."

The comment makes Travis laugh. "Okay, okay. I'm going to the doctor next week to check on how my leg is doing. Can we wait until after that?" He asks.

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