How to Be Single

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One Month Later
October 26th; 2023
Taylor Swift's Point of View
I'm spending another afternoon with my head draped over the toilet. I've had a stomach virus for the last few days that I can't seem to shake. I try to catch my breath as I gag and cough from vomiting. I feel so nauseated and there is no way I'll make it to the 1989 (Taylor's Version) release party. I'm plain miserable and want to curl up on a ball on the bathroom tile. The only thing that makes me feel better is ginger tea. It's been consistent in the afternoon and middle of the night. At least my vomiting is on a schedule. Once I finally start to feel better, I take a wet washcloth and clean up my face. I walk over to my computer and FaceTime my publicist, Tree. As the computer is calling her I collapse on the couch with a blanket wrapped around me.

I see that Tree is at her home getting ready to attend the release party. "Hey, Taylor. What's up?" She asks.

"I'm not going to make it to the party tonight." I rest my head on the couch cushion with barely any energy to talk.

"Hey, calm on. You were doing so well the last few weeks. You said you moved on." Tree made the assumption I don't want to go because I'm pining over Joe again.

"This isn't about Joe. I have a stomach bug and I keep throwing up. I just returned from a vomiting session and I'm just completely exhausted. All I've been doing the last few days is vomiting and sleeping." I explain to her.

"Are you sure you can't go? You're the star of the event. It's good PR and maybe #drunktaylor could go viral again."

"I hate the fact that #drunktaylor has gone viral worldwide more than once." I always forget I'm such a lightweight. I need people to cut me off.

"It was good PR." Tree laughs and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not going to make it to the party but make sure everyone knows I'm sorry for being unable to attend."

"Will do captain." She gives me a small salute which makes me giggle.

"Thank you, Tree."

"No problem. Feel better, Tay."

Tree hangs up and I set my laptop on the coffee table. God, I feel like shit. I go on my phone and call Selena. She picks up after a couple of rings.


"Hey. I'm not going to make it to tonight's party. I don't feel well."

"Is this about, Joe?"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?! I've been vomiting and I just want to curl up with the cats. I have some stomach virus."

"Want me to bring you something? I'll ask my assistant to pick it up then I'll head over."

"Actually, yes. I need crunchy peanut butter." I usually keep almond butter at my house since it has less sugar but almond butter didn't satisfy my craving. I could eat it out of the jar right now. I've never had this type of insane craving for a food but I'd kill someone's for some crunchy peanut butter.

"Peanut butter?"

"Crunchy!" I remind her. She has to get the right kind otherwise I will go insane.

"Will do."

"Make sure it's Skippy! That's my favorite."

"Why is this so specific?"

"Ask no questions. Just bring me my Skippy crunchy peanut butter."

"Fine. I'll be there within the hour."

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