Love Actually

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Two Weeks Later
June 5th; 2026
Taylor Swift's Point of View
I finally announced my pregnancy on social media so people didn't find out through other means. I posted a picture of my bump when Viola had put her hands on it while covered in finger paint. I captioned the photo Viola's getting promoted to big sister. All my fans started to freak out once again. They were so excited for Travis and me. The comment that made me cry was from the user josalw, aka Joe Alwyn. It was simple and nothing special. All he said was I'm so happy for you. Congratulations. I no longer linger for Joe, as my heart belongs to Travis. But we shared deep secrets, and he was there for me when I shut out the world. To know he's happy for me means a lot.
Austin is visiting today while Travis and I have a date night. He bought another toy for Viola as if she didn't have enough. He really does spoil the hell out of her. We're celebrating Travis being done with braces and casts, finally. We're going to a nice restaurant that Travis rented for just the two of us.
I'm wearing a burgundy velvet maternity dress for my 24-week bump, along with the diamond necklace I received from Travis for Christmas in 2023. Travis is also dressed to the nines, with his beard freshly groomed. He's been keeping it short due to Viola's grabbing habits. She loves to try to grip his beard anytime it starts getting long.

We arrive at the restaurant, and Travis leads me inside. It's the most excellent place in town and one of the only places that truly reminds me of my lavish lifestyle. There are few of them in Wyomissing, but I'm thankful for that. I want my children to experience as much "normal" as possible. Travis and I sit at the table and pick up a menu. My eyes gaze over the options, but my pregnancy cravings are what guide me.

"You look like you're reading a book." Travis chuckles at my studious attention.

"Ducky is hungry and wants the entire menu. Ducky cannot have the entire menu. This is like Sophie's Choice, okay?" I explain my antics as I continue to study.

"This is our night. Order the entire menu if you want. It's not like I can't afford it." He looks at me with his brightest smile. He's absorbing my presence and savoring the moment as I am.

"Ducky does not need 30 different entrees." I pat my stomach lightly with a grin. Two waiters walk over and start to place things on the table. There's a small vase of red roses and two lit candles. My grin only increases as I feel my heart warming in astonishment. "You take my breath away every day, Travis Kelce."

"It's what you deserve, love." He grabs my hand and kisses it like a true gentleman. All my life, I've been waiting for a man like him.

A waiter returns to the table shortly with what appears to be two bottles of champagne. "For the gentleman, we have a bottle of Dom Pérignon Brut aged 13 years." He slowly pours the sparkling wine into the glass before setting the bottle into an ice bucket. Travis thanks the waiter, and the second bottle is pulled out, which makes me giggle. "And for the lady, we have our finest bottle of Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Cider."

"So fancy. How long has this been aged?" I quip sarcastically.

"A week?" The waiter chuckles as he pours a glass for me, then sets it in the ice bucket. Martinelli's is a brand that makes non-alcoholic ciders and juices. It's known for its sparkling apple cider. Growing up, we called it "kid's champagne" since it looked identical to the real stuff.

"Would it be fine if I ordered the roasted duck, or is that too Hannibal Lecter?" I ask Travis.

"I feel like that's the one thing on the menu you shouldn't order." He replies.

"Yeah, I don't want to turn our baby into a cannibal." My superstitions might be taking over, but we don't need a murderous child.

"Well, have you decided what you want? Is it every entree besides the roasted duck?" He comments, which makes us both laugh.

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