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The wind caresses the young girl's hair as she leans against the railing with a bored look on her face. The cheers around her is deafening as she watches the game play out below her.

What game you may ask? That would be soccer.

Y/n came to the game only because her older brother wanted to watch the game today cause some of his buddies are playing today. All she had to say is that their team, Ichinan High School's soccer team, are seriously lacking skills.

Though, there was one boy who caught her eye. He's in her class, but they never did talk to each other except for the occasional 'Hello' and 'Have a nice day'.

Isagi Yoichi, a promising player in her defense.

She could easily see the drive behind his play that he really wants to win the game as he bobs and weave between their opponents, his eyes solely focus on the goal before him.

Sure, her school's team also wants to win and go to nationals, but their determination to do so just doesn't compare to Isagi's.

"Come on, take the shot." she whispers, but another player calls out to Isagi, who glances in his direction,"Don't do it..." y/n whispers with narrowed eyes, but sighs with disappointment when Isagi does the opposite and passes the ball to his teammate.

Isagi's teammate was quick to take the shot, but the ball didn't even make the net. Instead it bounced off the frame and their opponents finally had the ball in their grasp,"Aw man! Seriously!?" Ryu whines as he throws his head back while gripping his hair.

That was y/n's older brother.

Back to the game. One of the opponents kicked the ball to their star player, Kira Ryosuke. Y/n will admit he's good, but there was something off about him that she couldn't quite put her finger on.

Kira was quick to catch the ball and make his way towards the goal before taking a shot at it, earning his team a second point just as the timer runs out.

"Nooooo!!!" Ryu cries out dramatically while y/n sighs as she drops her head,"I knew it... I told you our boy team is a bunch of amateurs." she tells him while patting her brother's back,"Then you should've just joined the team! You're super skilled in playing soccer, so why didn't you join them!?" Ryu adks and y/n raises a brow at him.

"Because it's an all boys team and I'm a girl, remember? That's why I joined that local mix team." she reminds him with a smug smirk, causing Ryu to become bashful,"Oh... Right, heh." he sweatdrops with a sheepish smile.

"Anyway, let's head home." he adds and y/n nods in agreement, already getting a headache with the squealing of fangirls screeching like banshees over their 'precious Kira'. Maybe that's why she doesn't really like the guy despite his good looks.

They left, but Ryu stayed back to at least congrats his friends for a good game and that they put up a good fight. They all got teary eyed and y/n leaned against a lamp pole with pursed lips and half-lidded eyes.

"Oh, hey y/n." the familiar voice of Isagi greets her and she turns her head to see the boy already dressed in his sweat clothes and has his bike in hand,"Yo, Isagi." she greets back with a friendly smile,"Good game out there today. You guys almost had it." she praises and Isagi smiles a sad smile.

"Yeah, but we still lost." he reminds her and himself,"Yeah, but I'm gonna be honest with you. I actually thought you could've made the shot earlier." y/n tells him and Isagi perks up at this,"You really think so!?" he asks with hope filled eyes,"Yeah, you got skills. Though you're still rough around the edges, but nothing a bit more training won't help." y/n says with an encouraging smile.

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