Just the Way It Is

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The score is now 3-3, both team are now tied thanks to Chigiri's shot and speed. Kuon was left in a state of disbelief, not believing that his team was actually keeping up with Team V, a team way more stronger and talented than them.

Or so he thought...

"What the hell are you doing!? Put some effort in, you idiots! You're getting outplayed by ten men along with a girl! I'd be ashamed if I were you!" Kuon scowls as Reo growls with a fierce glare on his face whilst biting his bottom lip in frustration,"Shut up, Backstabbing Scumbag!" he spat at Kuon while y/n glares at Kuon,[Okay, now I wanna give him a good smack of my own.] she thought with crossed arms.

"Okay, one more time! Let's do this, Team Z!" she shouts encouragingly,"Right!" her team shout back as they get back into position, the whistle blowing just in time. Reo was the one who had the ball this time, and y/n didn't miss the fiery determination and drive swirling within his eyes as he ran for her team's goalpost.

"I won't lose everything I've worked for!-" he hollars right as Raichi skids in front of his path,"You're that terrified of not being good enough? You sheltered prep-school shit!" he growls as he shows off a malicious smirk,"Since I'm such a nice guy, I'll give you your first taste of defeat for free!" he states as Reo looks for a way to pass the ball, unfortunately for him, all three of his important teammates.


All three of them were marked and so was he,"No way... Are Nagi and I... Losing...?" Reo utters either with wide and terrified eyes. Nagi notices this and something in him suddenly snaps,"Reo..." he utters before suddenly pushing past Imamura and Igarashi,"Give it to me!" he calls out, catching Reo's attention.

"Nagi..." he breathes out, shocked to see this sudden side of his friend. He acts quickly, fainting a left to throw Raichi off balance before kicking the ball to the right of him, successfully passing to Nagi,"Reo... Let me try." Nagi utters with familiar dark eyes,[This is bad!] she thought with worry as Nagi heads straight for her team's goalpost.

"What's going on!?" Igarashi panics,"So he's got dribbling as a weapon too!?" Imamura exclaims with shock as Nagi performs a lob right in front of Igarashi,"A lob!?" Igarashi yelps as Nagi kicks the ball between his legs and passes to the left of him.

"Imamura!" Igarashi warns his fellow defender,"I hear ya! I'm on it!" Imamura shouts as he runs to block Nagi's path, who sharply kicks pass the ball towards the wing. This is where Zantetsu and Chigiri race each other for the ball with Zantetsu in the lead and the first to retrieve the ball.

"Alright! Go!" Kuon encourages Team V as Nagi ran for a certain position,"Zantetsu! Give me a sick pass, man!" he shouts,"You feeling alright? You never asked me to pass to you before!" Zantetsu asks with mild concern,"Nagi... What're you...?" Reo could only stare at his friend with disbelief, wondering what has gotten into him all of a sudden.

Immediately, most of Team Z, including y/n, ran to mark Nagi and Zantetsu, who was planning to pass to Nagi right Chigiri slides in,"No, you don't!" he shouts as he tries to retrieve the ball, but Zantetsu successfully pulls the ball away from him before kicking over to Nagi.

The taller teen manages to trap the ball first right as y/n tried as well,"You're kidding me!" Igarashi sputters with fear,"The angles too tight for a shot!" Imamura notes. But much to everyone's horror, the moment Nagi touched the ground, he sprung back up into the air, twisting his body sideways as he kicks the ball into the goalie.

The buzzer sounds as Team V gains another point. Though y/n gasps when Nagi didn't make a perfect landing and instead fell on her,"Oof-!" she yelps as Reo ran over,"Ouch... Dude, you're heavy." she whines as Nagi pushes himself up via his forearms, looking down at the girl.

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