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The buzzer rang as the timer ran out. Kira was tagged last, which means he's the first out of Blue Lock. Blood and sweat dripped down Kira's face as he looks at Isagi with betrayal.

"Isagi... H-hey what're yo-you doing...? Wait, wh-what happened? I-I'm bleeding..." he says, his head completely dazed from the hit he just took,"Sorry, whole thing's a blur. Th-The ball came at me out of nowhere." Isagi stammers, but Kira gives him a dubious look,"Don't give me tha-" he's cut off by Ego clapping his hands.

"Well done, my diamonds in the rough. Only results matters here." he praises before giving a menacing look,"You lost Ryosuke Kira and are disqualified! Now Lock Off, loser!" he hisses as Kira looks at him with horror.

Kira's breathing became shaky as the reality of it all finally settles into his brain,"This is bullshit... My career's over? Lying in tatters? This early on?" he growls as he slowly stood up, anger bubbling up in his being,"And it's only because I lost in some childish game!? I'm the Jewel in the Crown of Japanese soccer!" he finally snaps.

[Ah, there's that off feeling about him again. Then again, it's disturbing to see his nice facade immediately crumble like this.] y/n thought with a disturbed expression,"No way you thinking Igaguri and Isagi are more talented than me! Right!? All this proves is that they're better at tag! What does any of this have to do with soccer!?" he rants with pure anger.

"Every aspect of your lives here in Blue Lock will have something to do with the sport. So look around you Mister Mediocre Elite. Notice the room's size?" Ego motions to the room as Kira gasps at this.

"It's the same size as a penalty area." y/n spoke up with realization, catching everyone's attention, who all then look at the room themselves,"Correct, Miss y/n. And roughly 75% of goals are born within these confines. If you can't do your job inside this space, you have no talent as striker!" Ego declares.

"Shut up! It's freaking tag! The two literally have nothing in common!" Kira screams in outrage,"If you're the one who's running away, you need a keen sense of interpersonal space, tactics and positioning. And if you're the one doing the chasing, your dribbling and aim must be precise and the quality of your kicks must be high. Making it an excellent soccer training drill, you wimp." Ego explains, adding salt to the wounds.

"Just a training drill!? You can't possibly know anything about me in only two minutes! Not when a soccer match is 90!" Kira shouts,"Care to give the average amount of time a player spends with the ball in a 90 minute game? 136 seconds." Ego answers himself,"I provided that and you decided to wait until the clock ran out."

"I had ten seconds! It's not as if I could do anything!" Kira reasons,"Would you use that same excuse if this was a match? When the ball made contact with you there was still one second left on the clock. You could've survived if you kicked at Igaguri. But you didn't see the move." Ego reveals.

"In a way, it was the last play before the whistle. Curious how the very moment your teammate shot collided with you. It is as if you gave up and accepted defeat. That's why you didn't see an alternative. You could've achieved victory if you just stretched out your leg." he explains while y/n silently agrees with him.

"Whoever's 'it' in this game of tag, he might wind up the loser if he holds onto the ball for too long or perhaps the winner, considering he had the power to choose whoever's hit next. As a striker, you are to shoulder that responsibility! Fighting until the very last second runs out." Ego tells Kira.

"Yoichi Isagi chose the target, a player who was ranked higher than him instead of Igaguri. Before that Meguru Bachira stole the ball off him and went after the strongest guy. Though he missed, y/n also had the mindset to kick the ball his way as well." he explains while y/n spares a glance at the sleepy boy, dubbed Bachira,[So that's his name.] she thought with a hum.

Blue Lock x reader: Soccer BluesWhere stories live. Discover now