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This was not a good start to Team Z's final match. Nagi had managed to score a goal for his team in a blink of an eye before anyone could react to their plan. Y/n is quite unnerved by this as she bites her thumb nail lightly, sparing Lilith a glance to see she's unnerved as well.

The cheers are deafening to her ears as her brain tries to comprehend what just happened,"Nice goal! Just like I envisioned it, Nagi!" Reo praises his friend,"Reo, can I duck out of this already?" Nagi whines,"Five goals to go and then you can kick back." Reo tells him,"Huh? Four's not enough?" Nagi sighs and Lilith whines at this,"So lazy..." she utters with a sweatdrop.

"Five it is then... But, what a hassle..." Nagi sighs as he rubs the nape of his neck,"What the heck was that move!?" Naruhaya screams as he ruffles his already messy hair,"Pure luck, that's all!" Igarashi shouts as he claps his hands,"Come on, it was only a single goal! Time for us to attack! Amen!" he hypes everyone up and Raichi smirks cruelly,"Trust me, I'm more than ready." he growls.

The whistle blows, signaling the start of the next round and Isagi, who had passed the ball to Kunigami,"Kunigami!" he signals as the teen himself receives the ball,"Right!" Kunigami ran straight for the goalie, but he was searching for an opportunity to take the hit as well once he gets into his shooting range.

But, y/n's eyes widen when Reo snuck up on him and took the ball with a smile,"Can't afford to let you get within your shooting range. I know all about you, Muscle Boy." he says with a smug smirk and turns to run the opposite way.

"Where do you think you're going!?" Kunigami gives chase and tries to steal the ball back, but Reo had kept the sphere away from him successfully,"Ready for another one, Nagi!?" Reo kicks the ball high into the air once more,"It's the same play as before!?" Isagi whispers before turning,"Hey! Raichi! Igaguri! Stop him!" he screams as y/n head for the goalpost.

"I'll crush him!" Igarashi shouts as he ran forward,"That trick won't work a second time." Raichi smirks widely and just as the ball nears the ground, Nagi uses his left foot to pop it up which gave the two defenders the chance to steal it, but that wasn't the case. Nagi had turned while the ball was still in the air and does a side way bicycle kick straight into the net.

Y/n's eyes zooms in on the ball as she jumps towards it, stretching her leg out as far as she could to try and redirect it, but the ball brushes just the tip of her shoe before hitting the net,"No way..." Raichi was at a loss for words,"Wh-What the hell is going on here?" Imamura stammers with wide eyes,"Damn it... This guy... He's a monster on the field..." y/n pants with gritted teeth as Nagi stood tall.

"This is bad! The score's two zip! Our strategy isn't working!" Naruhaya panics as he ruffles his hair again,"Hey Kunigami!" Raichi speedwalked over to said teen and grabs the front of his bib,"Why did you let them steal the ball!? Go do your job front line, and stop screwing over the rest of us!" he scowls,"My 'job'!? Why don't you do yours and defend!" Kunigami screams back.

"That's enough!" Isagi was quick to intervene,"If we lose this game it's over! So stop arguing with each other and just play the best you can!" he lectures and y/n is mentally grateful that he sorted the two out quickly,"Yeah! He's right about giving it your all and not giving up! Have faith! Never stop fighting back!" Igarashi encourages,"Can I get an 'amen'!?" he adds right as Kunigami walks away followed by Raichi returning to his post.

The whistle blows and the third round is on. Y/n had the ball this time and a few enemies head towards her,[These guys are good, but we've luckily got another weapon left.] she thought,"Chigiri, heads up!" she kicks to the side and Chigiri was there to receive it,"Right!" the speedster shouts back as some of the opponents try to stop him, but they couldn't match his speed.

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