|20| f r i e n d s g i v i n g.

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The Friendsgiving get-together was well underway, laughter filling the air as everyone enjoyed their food and camaraderie. Plates lay scattered around, drinks refilled, and laughter bubbled through the group like a familiar rhythm. This had always been a favorite tradition — an evening filled with warmth, teasing, and memories among longtime friends.

Though this year, there was a different undertone beneath the surface, like a discordant note in a familiar song. New faces mingled with old, but not all additions were met with ease. Some subtle glances were exchanged, lingering just long enough to suggest the unsaid.

Olivia sat at the center of it all, her smile as bright as ever, her laugh genuine. She was a master at keeping her energy light, ensuring everyone felt welcome. But beneath the surface, the weight of Spencer's silence beside her lingered like a shadow. His hand held hers with a quiet desperation, as though grounding her tethered him to this moment, despite the heaviness that crept into his easy-going demeanor.

He was engaged, laughing at the right time, chiming in when necessary—but Olivia noticed the subtle shift in his mood. It wasn't hard to see what—or rather, who—was the cause either.

Thalia's presence in the room loomed like an unwelcome guest, and no matter how hard Spencer tried to ignore it, Olivia could sense his discomfort growing with each glance sent their way. A flicker of something passed between them—nothing overt, but enough to unsettle Olivia in a way she hadn't expected.

The hum of conversations around them blurred into white noise as Spencer's attention zeroed in on Olivia. He could feel her energy shift, the familiar connection pulling at him before she even realized it. He wasn't about to let it fester.

"You okay?"

His voice came low, almost drowned out by the laughter and chatter of the room. He gently pulled her to the side, his hand warm against the small of her back. Olivia turned, her eyes finding him with a soft but guarded look. He held her gaze, searching, as though he already knew what was running through her mind but needed her to voice it.

"Mmhm." She nodded quickly, almost too quickly, the hummed response automatic.

"Are you?"

But even as she spoke, Spencer could see it. Her tone lacked the conviction he knew her for, the kind of unwavering strength she carried so effortlessly. Her hand slipped to the nape of his neck, fingers grazing the short curls there, grounding him as much as herself in that familiar touch.

He shifted closer, his body instinctively curving toward hers protectively. His hand settled at her waist, but his other remained buried in his pocket, as though hiding the tension he could no longer mask.

"I'm good, but I asked you first and I'd prefer a real answer."

There was a hesitation, a moment where Olivia's gaze faltered, her smile wavering at the edges before she pulled it back into place.

"I'm fine, baby." She insisted, but even then, the words didn't land like they should have.

They were uncertain, as though she was trying to convince herself just as much as him. His hand moved up her arm, his touch firm but tender, urging her to face him fully. He knew her too well to let her brush it off.

"Liv..." His voice dipped, that familiar, quiet intensity returning.

It was the same tone he used when he wasn't willing to let her hide, not from him. She sighed, the weight of her pretense unraveling as she leaned into his chest, her hand resting over his heart.

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