Daddy's Girl

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"Clover, come to Daddy" The blonde cooed at the small being that was rolling around on the floor

"She's adorable" Kirk said smiling

"I know, that's not the only thing she does.. watch this" James told him watching as the little girl waddled over to him smiling

He picked her up and sat her on his lap, the boys all looked at her waiting but not sure what was about to happen

She then started babbling away, seeming to be starting a conversation

Kirk smiled widely "okay that's even more fucking adorable"

The girl turn in her fathers arms and looked at him, continuing to babble away

"Really? What happened?" James asked her acting faked shocked

She babbled again, then huffed lightly slapping her hand on her forehead

The boys chuckled, "who did that! I can't believe that" James said shaking his head

She put her hand down and pointed at Lars and babbling again

"Lars you offended my baby.. I can't believe you" James said rolling his eyes but then smiling widely

"I apologize deeply Clover, it was very wrong of me" The Dane spoke up

Clover reached over for him to take her, once in his embrace she babbled away moving her hands in a talking motion

"Ya know I feel the same way little lady, it's like woah! And then what?" Lars said smiling down at her

She started babbling away again, seeming to agree with him

"Wasn't she literally just mad at him..?" Cliff asked confused

"She forgives easily" James explained smiling at her

She looked over a Kirk and started babbling in his direction and then holding her hands out for him to grab her

He did just that and lifted her up to sit on his lap, facing sideways

"Okay missy, what is it that you are just DYING to tell me?" Kirk asks

She once again started to babble moving her hands in a talking motion

Kirk listened intensely, holding onto every babble she made

"I see, that's very interesting huh?" He said agreeing

"Alright ladybug, time to eat" James called going to scoop her up

She hung tightly onto Kirk's shirt and hid her face in it

James stood there and looked at her, cracking a smile

"Looks like she really wants to keep talking with Kirk" Cliff said cackling

"Yeah well the baby has to eat" James said going to pick her up

She sighed sadly and looked over her fathers shoulder with puppy dog eyes at Kirk

"Man don't give me those eyes... you know I'll crack" Kirk said sadly

"That's exactly why she does it, she knows she's got you eating out the palm of her hand" Cliff informed him

"Well I don't care, she's adorable" Kirk replied before looking down at the guitar tabs for the new album they were working on

Not very long after, James came back with a very happy baby

"She's been fed, crisis avoided" He tells them setting her on the floor and letting her roam around

"So she just rolls around on the floor?" Lars asks chuckling at the 4 month old

"Pretty much yeah, she's super easy to take care of AND she hardly ever cries" James said

"I wish all babies were like that" Kirk said with wide eyes

"Literally, I feel like if I do have more kids they're gonna be wayyy worse than little miss Clover over there" James expressed pointing over to her as she was holding her hands up rolling around on the floor giggling

"That's honestly me though dudes" Kirk said laughing at what she was doing

"Hey as long as she's not getting into trouble or crying.. let the little miss roll around" Cliff said smiling

She suddenly popped up off the floor and looked at Cliff

"Uh oh.. we know who her favorite uncle is" James said laughing

She squealed and crawled as fast as her little legs could take her right over to Cliff

He chuckled and picked her up, sitting her on his lap

"Hey baby doll, you didn't see me earlier?" He asked laughing

She began to babble then shake her head no

"It was probably cause Lars' ugly face was right in your eyesight.. it's okay happens to me sometimes" Cliff said

"Hey!" Lars yells hearing both of them start laughing

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