Money, Money, Money

180 10 19

Lars walked into the house, slamming the door shut

"stop slamming my door bitch!" Cliff yelled rolling his eyes

the dane snapped his head over towards the man before sighing

the both of them heard little piddle patters, deciding it was best to watch their language as it was most likely Clover

she ran in and was out of breath, her entire face was red and it looked like she had been crying

"baby what's wrong?" Cliff asked concerned, frowning as he hoped it wasn't what he thought it was

"Me was outside.. and me was running around with Aunt May May.. and the grass was wet and me slipped and hit my head on daddy's truck.. it was funny Uncle Cliffy!" she wheezed out laughing, holding her stomach

James walked downstairs humming a tune, and snapping his fingers

"DADDY ME FELL!" Clover yelled out in the mist of her laughing

James frowned and looked over at the other two.. resulting in them shrugging

Clover gasped whipping her face and catching her breath

"anyway.. daddy me would like to talk please!" she exclaimed jumping up and down

he picked her up and carried her into the kitchen with him, setting her on the counter and looking at her

"what can I do for u princess?" he asked smiling softly

"daddy, me wanna learn bass.." she whispered smiling widely

James gasped "you wanna learn bass?!" he exclaimed

she nodded before whispering again "and den me play geetar.. like you daddy"

James picked her up and hugged her tightly, kissing her check before running with her to the living room

"guys! guess what Clover wants to do!" James exclaimed excitedly

"what?" Lars asked not really caring

"she wants to learn bass! HOW FUCKING COOL IS-" James started

"Daddy..." Clover warned frowning

"sorry princess.. HOW FRICKING COOL IS THAT!" James corrected excited

"really?!" Cliff asked happily

"yeth.." Clover said nodding

Kirk jokingly threw a pillow across the room, putting his hands on his hips and shaking his head

"Clover we were supposed to be Guitar buddies.." he pouted

"i learn it too!" she said reaching over and patting his head

"so Bass and Guitar huh?" Lars questioned skeptically

"YUP!" Clover shouted happily

"well.. let's get to work!" Cliff exclaimed grabbing Clover and booking it out the front door

"WAIT YOU TALL BITCH IM COMING TOO!" Kirk yelped out and ran out after them

Lars sighed and shook his head "she's gonna be a mini Kirko with the wah effects.."

James' eyes went wide before he ran out of the house as well

Lars scuffed before shrugging and walking out of the door as well, shutting and locking it

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