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"So what is it exactly are you asking for Mrs. Simpson?" The judge asks

"For custody of my daughter your honor.." Jessica fake cries

James rolled his eyes, he knew Jess was an actor and only hoped that the judge would see through her lies

"And your daughter.. uh.. Clover Ray Hetfield.. is in the custody of the father.. James Allen Hetfield.. correct?" The judge asks

"Yes your honor.." Jessica fake cries again

The judge sighs before looking through some papers

"Mr. Hetfield.. I have a few questions for you.."

James stood up and looked at the judge

"Will you tell me what your occupation is?" She asks

"Well uh.. your honor I play for a band.. uh.. a musician basically.." James stutters

The judge nods "and you make enough money to take care of your daughter correct?"

"Correct ma'am.. I make sure she's taken care of" James told him

The judge nods again and looks over at Jessica "and can you tell me why exactly you want to take custody away from Mr. Hetfield here?"

"Well.. He's insanely abusive, I've came to pick her up on multiple occasions and she's had bruises and marks on various parks of her body.." Jessica says choking back sobs before continuing

James looked absolutely shocked, pissed, all of the above

Kirk and Lars looked at each other with their mouths wide open, how low of a person could she be..

"And that poor baby.. she has to Indore it all... and he goes on benders and takes her to strip clubs I mean she's 2 and he's taking her to strip clubs!" She fake cried.. again

The judge cleared her throat "I believe the officers have checked your daughter to see if this is true.. but I would like to hear from her personally if you don't mind..?" She asked looking at James

"No not at all your honor!" James exclaimed as calmly as he could

Cliff handed him Clover, James held her close to him.. knowing this could either go really well.. or horribly and he would never get to see her again

"Go ahead and bring her up" the judge said pointing to the witness stand

James nodded and walked over to it and placed her in the chair before slowly walking away

The judge looked at the girl and smiled "well hello sweetie, can you tell me your name?" She asks her kindly

"I Clover.. daddy call me Clove" she said sort of quietly

The judge nodded before smiling "and can you tell me about your daddy?"

She nodded proudly "my daddy is the best!"

"Ah really? What's your favorite thing about him?" The judge asks

"He kind, he sing me song to sleep.. and he make me laugh, daddy funny" she giggled, James smiled upon hearing this

The judge laughed as well "I see, he sounds like a good daddy.. now Clover, I'm gonna ask you something but you have to promise to tell the truth okay?"

"Otay!" She said smiling

"Can you tell me if your daddy has ever hit you?"

"Daddy never hit me, he give me lots of hugs and kisses!" She responded

The judge nodded "and can you tell me about this.. strip club.. do you know what that is sweetie?"

She nodded "uncle Lar Lar was walkin wif me and he not pay attention.. he thought it was eat place, but he realize what it was an we weaft"

The judge nodded "I see.. and how did your daddy react?"

Clover looked at the judge "daddy was upset with uncle Lar Lar.. daddy didn't like what he do.. but I tell him truth and daddy forgived him" James looked back at the boys and glared at Lars.. causing the short gremlin to shrink into the seat

"And can I ask you about your mommy?" The judge asked

"Me not really know mommy.. I only see mommy sometimes.." Clover said sadly

"And why's that sweetie?" The judge asked confused

"Mommy don't really like me.. she mean"

The judge looked back at Jessica shocked, Jessica nervously swallowed and cleared her throat

"And has your mommy ever done anything to you?" The judge asked

"She ignore me.. den daddy come and get me and it more fun wif daddy" Clover explained

"Alright, Clover I appreciate you talking with me.. your a very big and brave girl you know that?" The judge told her smiling

"Daddy tell me every day!" She exclaimed

The judge laughed "alright Mr. Hetfield, you may take her back"

James walked back up sweating bricks, he picked her up and kissed her cheek "you did so good baby"

"Fanks daddy" Clover said smiling and giggling

James gently handed her back to Cliff before walking back to his spot

The judge looked back at the both of them before clearing his throat

"So I think miss Clover alright made the decision very easy.. it's obviously that Mr. Hetfield has done nothing but love that child unconditionally.. I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that he was doing otherwise, but based on the information I have and what your daughter has told me I have came to the conclusion that Mr. Hetfield.." the judge started

Everyone's breaths seemed to stop....

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