She's awake!

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James rubbed his eyes, he couldn't sleep much in that damn place

It had been a year since the accident, and Clover wasn't doing much better

There would be times where he would hear her groan, or make a cry but.. not very much other than that

24/7.. that's how long James stayed in the room.. 24/7..

He didn't have a life outside of that hospital room, hardly ate a thing or drank anything

Cliff was worried about him, that's why James was currently at his home.. rushing a shower while Cliff watched over the sleeping girl

he rubbed her hand smiling softly as he told her about his day "And Connie said that she would come up here for a little.. I wish you could meet her pumpkin.. you would love her, and she would love you sweetie.. she really would"

Cliff continuted to go on about his day when he suddenly stopped as he felt Clover's hand grip onto his

shocked he looked up at her to see her slowly open her eyes, he gasped

"wa- wa- water.." she choked out quietly

he quickly got her a cup of water, letting her get a sip. After she was done he quickly hugged her as he sobbed

"baby girl I am so glad you're up!"  He cried

he pulled back, smoothing back her hair and kissing her forehead

"who are.. who are you?" she askes quietly

Cliff looked at her sadly.. "you don't.. you don't remember who I am baby girl?"

the door opened and James walked in with his head down and his dark blonde hair covering his face, once he looked up his eyes widened as he gasped

"Daddy!" Clover exclaimed giggling loudly

James ran over to her and hugged her tightly, crying into her shoulder. Once gaining his composure he pulled back smiling "don"t ever sleep for that long again.. please?"

Clover nodded and kissed his cheek "I promise daddy.." she looked over at the red headed man and frowned "daddy who is that?' she asked him

James looked over and frowned as well before looking back at her "come on baby.. you know who that is!"

the little girl thought for a few minutes before gasping "Cliffy!" she exclaimed

he walked back over smiling, feeling better now that she remembered him

"I heard Uncle Cliffy while I sleep.." she mumbled

"you did?" James asked in surprise

she nodded "I also heard you daddy.. I wanted to wake up sooner! I really did daddy!"

James held her hand "Cliff will you go get the doctor please?"

he nodded and left the room, The blonde then looked back at his little girl and smiled "I'm just happy your back baby.."

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