He Deserves Happiness

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James happily hopped down the stairs, heading down to the kitchen to see Kirk trying to get Clover to eat

"Princess! how would you like to spend the day with daddy!" he asked smiling widely

Clover looked away from Kirk and over to her father, the joy no longer in her eyes ever since the Phoebe thing happened

"uh.. no thank you daddy.. i'm okay" she replied sort of conflicted

"what- why baby?" the man asked sad but hurt (SADDD BUTTT TRUEEEEEE)

"I need to be big girl daddy.. I cant always be with you... be happy daddy, without me.." the little girl said as tears filled her eyes, she slowly got out of Kirk's lap and walked upstairs

James upset, why was she doing this.. his little girl wasn't acting like his

"I'm sorry James.. I wish I knew why she suddenly doesn't want anything to do with you.." Kirk told him, giving a reassuring smile

James scuffed and walked away, he knew exactly what it was... and he was gonna kill that bitch.

he walked upstairs to her room and knocked softly

"yes?" Clover called out from behind the door

"Princess, it's daddy.. can I come in?" the blonde asked in a soft tone (don't just barge into ur childrens rooms..)

"yeah come in.." she replied monotoned

James opened the door, walking in and shutting it behind him

he walked over to her bed and sat down next to her

"what did she tell you to make you be this way baby..?" he asked concerned

Clover looked up at him before starting to sob

James instantly wrapped his arms around her, shushing her

"she.. she said i rely on you too much and that you would be happier and better off if I was dead! and she said that- that you wish you never had me.." she cried

his heart broke, no wonder she was acting differently.. this poor baby has been living with this for months now and has been slowly killing herself

"look at me." he stated, holding her face

she looked up into his blue eyes and sniffled

"you may have not been planned.. but you are the best damn thing to ever happen to me. after constantly getting fucked over in life.. with my dad leaving and my mom dying.. you came along and you made me become someone better, I was never happy before you.. never." he said smiling

"you're Clover Ray Hetfield and you're a bad ass just like your daddy!" he laughed kissing her forehead

she giggled and hugged him "thank you daddy.. for everything.." she said smiling softly

"it's my job as your daddy" he replied

"also.. you said a bad word" she giggled

he laughed full heartily, shaking his head "I did didn't I?"

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