The Beginning (Chapter 1)

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At Robotnik's Lab

"I've finally done it!" Robotnik exclaimed as he drug Sonic's medium size cage into his lab. Sonic was standing inside a cage, rattling and yanking on the bars yelling, "Let me out! This isn't over!" Robotnik turned to the desperate hedgehog and spoke, "Oh it isn't.. It's just the beginning.."

As the doctor drug his cage over to a corner in the room, he turns to his two buddies, Orbot and Cubot. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go get me my-! What's it called again.." He chuckled ever so slightly, nervous.

The doctor turned his head over as he heard the door open. Metal Sonic made a beep sound as he walked into the room. Robotnik slightly tilted his head as Metal Sonic had his hands behind his back. Metal Sonic made once again, another beep sound as he took his hands from his back, putting them in front of his face, showing the doctor what he had.

"My thingamajig!" Robotnik stood quickly and ran over to Metal Sonic, snatching the small vial from Metal Sonic's hands, staring at it excitedly. "Ah yes, yes! My- whatever it's called!" He laughed as he jumped up with joy. Sonic rolled his eyes as his arms were crossed, he seemed substantially annoyed. Orbot and Cubot stood there, watching all this unfold, ever so slightly confused.

Metal Sonic nodded as a "you're welcome" though the doctor hadn't noticed. The doctor, however, did notice that his creations and the prisoner were staring at him, slightly concerned. He cleared his throat and walked over to Sonic's cage, holding the vial in hand, smiling.

The doctor chuckled slightly as he held the vial up to the cage and shook it gently, showing off as he spoke, "Don't forget little hog, I am the most ingenious man alive.." He laughed boisterously as Sonic rolled his eyes once more. Sonic sighed and turned around, facing away from the doctor. Sonic chuckled sarcastically as he spoke in a low, serious-like tone, "You're plans never work doctor Eggman," The last word was more of a mocking tone as he moved his head from side to side in a mocking-like way.

Robotnik looked at him, astounded as well as offended. "Well at least I know what to do with my inventions unlike a simple hog who can't think of anything to do anymore than hang around his other little-" As Robotnik spoke he had waved his arms in different motions, the vial had slipped from his hands and hit Sonic on the back of the head, causing him to slightly fall forward, his arms no longer crossed to balance himself as he exclaimed, "Woah!.."

Robotnik slightly looked concerned as he stared at Sonic, slightly gritting his teeth. Sonic seemed to have a moment of confusion as he turned around, giving Robotnik an annoyed look. Orbot and Cubot looked at each other as they both knew this had to be tested before being put on him, or else it might fail.

Sonic's eyes slightly widened as he felt somewhat.. Pain. "A-ah!" He took a step back as he looked at the doctor, whose eyes widened as he stood up and took a step back as he slightly mumbled under his breath, "Huh."

Sonic collapsed on the ground as the doctor stared at him with confusion and concern. Metal Sonic made a slightly louder beep sound as he took a step forward, curious he was.

Sonic's eyes opened, they were fully black, with the pupils being red. He smiled, his teeth were now sharp as could be. His grin was almost sinister. Robotnik smiled as he looked at Sonic. "It worked.. And I didn't even have to test it!" He exclaimed as he jumped with joy. Metal Sonic's eyes slightly flickered as he gave out a look of embarrassment. Robotnik was so delighted he grabbed Metal Sonic's hands and started dancing around with glee.

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