The Assembling (Chapter 3)

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Green Hills

Quietly, Knuckles was sitting on one of the numerous hills inside the one and only, Green Hills zone. He was staring at the horizon as the sky glowed and dimmed a dark blue, a few stars visible. He smiled ever so slightly, knowing no one else was there to enjoy such a beauty.

He could feel the soft breeze blow over him as did the rest of the grass and trees. His eyes shined dimly from the small bit of light still stretching out across the sky. "What a beauty.." He mumbled quietly as he closed his eyes, listening to what was left of the birds and the wind.

He inhaled deeply as he listened, off in the distance he could hear footsteps upon the grass, four pairs of feet maybe?

He shrugged, not caring. All he wanted to do was listen to the amazing and calming music of nature. It was so beautiful, so calm, so-

"HI KNUCKLES!!" Knuckles shouted in surprise as he jumped up, falling backward again right after. He looked over to see who was there.

"It's been soooooo long since I've seen YOU!" Ray was smiling brightly as he jumped with glee. Knuckles tried to speak but he kept stuttering, he was still tense after the good scare.

"Squirrel gotcha tongue?" Ray seemed to be in a very energetic mood. He was jumping up and down as he was twirling around quickly, he seemed like he would never stop.

"I- Wh- What are- What-" Knuckles seemed to be confused and still frightened. Soon, Mighty would walk up from behind Ray as he continued twirling. Mighty smiled as he shook Knuckles hand.

"Haven't seen you in a while, huh?" Knuckles stood there in silence as he stared at Mighty. His eye twitched slightly. Mighty tilted his head in curiosity as he took his hand away slowly from Knuckles'.

"You okay?" Mighty asked, "You seem frightened," Knuckles nodded quickly in response, he seemed to be staring at Ray, who had stopped twirling to admire a small rabbit.

Mighty looked in Ray's direction, then put his hands on his hips and asked, "Ray, did you scare Knuckles again?" Ray shook his head while smiling.

"YES HE DID HE-" Knuckles started to shout, but was quickly interrupted by a small cough. Mighty walked over to Knuckles and sat next to him, putting his hand on Knuckles' shoulder.

"Hey take it easy," Mighty spoke in a calm tone, hoping it would calm Knuckles as well. Knuckles moaned slightly as he looked down at the grass, seeming to hide his guilt from losing his temper so quickly.

Ray went back to playing with the small rabbit, he seemed intrigued by its hopping. Ray looked beside him and picked a small sunflower and gave it to the rabbit. The rabbit sniffed it cautiously and slowly, bit the stem gently, then held the flowers in its mouth.

Knuckles closed his eyes, he wanted to see if he could calm himself down. Mighty pat him on the shoulder as Knuckles made a small sniffle sound.

"You sound like you have a stuffy nose, Knuckles," Mighty seemed slightly concerned as he rubbed Knuckles' back, hoping to make him feel better. Knuckles mumbled something quietly as he felt slightly off. He felt off as well as odd.. He's never really been.. Comforted.. Before..

Knuckles sighed and stood up, Mighty standing as well, speaking to him in a calm tone, "I hope you feel better soon.."

Knuckles nodded as a "thank you," Then he spoke in a quiet manner, "Th-"

"HI KNUCKLES!!" Knuckles shouted in surprise and fell down again, moaning in pain, for he had landed on his arm. Cream crouched down beside him, smiling brightly. She tilted her head to the side as she was wondering why he looked frightened. Mighty chuckled lightly as he watched. Ray looked up and squealed with excitement.

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