Girl Power (Chapter 5)

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What's now Hide and Seek (Also I understand Amy isn't in this chapter I couldn't find one without Amy and with Sally :< )

Mighty awoke to the smell of burning. The feel of heat. He lifted himself up cautiously as he looked around. Everything was burned, everything was broken. There was still fire off in the distance. Mighty started to walk but fell down. His leg was burned badly.

He lay there on the ground, not wanting to move. It was day now, or at least he hoped. The sky was full of smoke, there were small bits of ash flying around. Mighty decided he had to get out of there.

He lifted himself up once more, he decided he was just going to limp it off. So he did. But as he walked off through the smoke and ash and the heat, he saw a slightly tall figure, seeming around Amy or Sonic's height. He took a step back. If it was Sonic, he wasn't going to have anything to deal with it.

As soon as he turned around, however, something hit him on the back with just enough force to knock him down. "Ah!" He shouted as he hit the ground.

He turned, and sure enough, it was Sonic. Sonic had the most deceitful smile he had ever seen. "Go back and fetch me the real damn Sonic you monster!" Mighty hissed. Sonic chuckled. He quickly, before Mighty had time to react, grabbed him by the neck just light enough to not choke him, but held him up to his face.

Sonic chuckled once more as he held Mighty. Sonic threw Mighty against one of the cliff-like walls of one of the hills. Sonic lifted up his clawed hand, ready to strike at any moment. Mighty just stared with fear.

All of a sudden, Sonic, out of the blue, (No pun intended :3) Was hit by something. He dropped Mighty and put his hand up to his own cheek. He turned. There, beside Mighty, was Rouge. Rouge turned to Sonic and crossed her arms.

"What's the big idea, Sonic? What's with the look, huh?" She asked in a sassy tone. She seemed astoundly annoyed. Sonic smiled again as he tilted his head.

"What's wrong.. Miss Rouge," Rouge took a step back in shock. What's wrong with his voice? She thought. Sonic chuckled. Rouge started to feel a real good bit of uneasiness.

Mighty looked at Rouge as she looked at him. Mighty seemed scared. Rouge scoffed as she picked up Mighty and threw him over her shoulder, which slightly shocked him with it being so sudden. Sonic, without Rouge noticing, ran behind her and grabbed Mighty's hands. He chuckled again as he yanked Mighty out of Rouge's grasp, knocking Rouge back with the jerk.

Sonic threw Mighty on the ground where he shouted in pain. Sonic giggled once more as he walked over to Rouge, who was about to stand up. Sonic yanked her leg forward as he crouched down to her level, stopping her from getting even close to standing.

She looked him in the eyes as he did the same. She couldn't tell what he was.. She saw joy, happiness, satisfaction. But there was one she noticed that seemed almost like it was.. him.. She saw a slight hint of fear. Sonic giggled as he saw the fear in her eyes.

Right before he could do anything, Sally jumped in between Rouge and Sonic. She looked at Sonic and smiled. She pulled out her Forcefield remote and clicked the button. Sonic's smile faded right before he was hit by the forcefield, which knocked him a good ways back.

"That's right," Sally giggled, "I'm the party pooper!" She shouted, with her hands cupped beside her mouth to make herself louder. She shook her head slowly. Then she shrugged. She turned around and helped Rouge up.

Rouge chuckled, "What was that, Sally?" Sally shrugged as she turned off her forcefield. "Real question is, what was that?" Sally replied as she pointed behind her towards where Sonic used to be.

Rouge's smile faded as she walked to the side to get a better view. "Where'd he go-" She asked, unsure. Sally's smile faded as well as she turned around, noticing Sonic was missing.

Blaze walked through the smoke and stood beside them, covering her mouth with her iron fan. She sighed as she saw Mighty and rolled her eyes in disgust.

"Why him? Why now.." She said dramatically. Mighty sighed and laid his head down onto the grass where he was lying. Sally rolled her eyes and walked over to Blaze. "Because Sonic hurt him and tried to hurt Rouge," Sally said as she put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow.

Blaze gave her a confused look, she didn't understand Sally's point. "What are you getting at?" She asked, "Why would Sonic try to hurt anyone?"

"I have no idea," Sally replied as she looked around. "All I know is he was trying to hurt Mighty, which he seemed to somewhat achieve.." She looked at Mighty with concern. Mighty was lying on the ground, his face not visible due to him lying down with his face, well, on the ground.

Rouge looked over at Mighty as did Blaze. Blaze rolled her eyes and walked over to Mighty. She picked him up and threw him over her shoulder, then sighed.

"Let's get goin' then, shall we?" Blaze commented. She looked over at the ash and smoke covering what used to be.. Green Hills.

Rouge huffed in confidence as she spread her wings as wide as she could. She smiled. She then flapped her wings just once and with that, she was hovering in the air high up.

"Sonic's nowhere to be seen," Rouge reassured everyone. She looked down at Sally, who nodded back at her to show she could hear and understand.

Rouge looked around a bit more before shouting, "I can't see anyone else, I can barely see a mile with all this smoke!" Sally sighed and called Rouge back down.

As Rouge landed she put her hands to her hips and looked around. "Do we just keep walkin' straight 'til we get outta here?" She asked Sally and Blaze. Blaze shrugged. Sally shrugged, then nodded.

Blaze nodded as well as they all started to walk straight. Mighty slightly looked up to see what they were doing now. When Blaze felt Mighty move, she looked at Sally and Rouge to make sure they weren't paying attention, then she shook him aggressively to make him not move. Mighty whimpered slightly.

After a while they came out of the smoke and ash, coming to clear skies. After a little while of searching they managed to locate the rest of the gang, waving at them as they waved back. 

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