The Holocaust (Chapter 2)

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In the Forest

Cream was running around joyfully as she stuck small heart stickers on every tree she passed on her way. Shadow was slouched down almost miserably as he followed her, moaning out of boredom. The two of them continued on. Suddenly they heard a stick snap in two somewhere nearby. Shadow quickly straightened his position and pulled out his small pistol, pointing it into the forest as Cream ran behind him, quietly sticking a sticker on one of his quills.

"Who's there!" Shadow shouted as a warning, "I'm armed!" Amy jumped through the bushes, rolling on the ground before standing. Shadow sighed and put his gun back into the pouch, which was attached to a belt he wore around his waist. "Heh, yeah juuusst me," She chuckled nervously. Shadow raised an eyebrow as he noticed her suspicious tone.

Robotnik popped out from the same bush which was now behind Amy, falling face flat onto the ground and moaning in pain. Shadow pulled out his gun once more and pointed it at Robotnik.

"Wait! Don't shoot!" Amy put her hands up as she ran in front of Robotnik, who was now standing up and dusting the leaves off of his coat. The doctor then noticed the weapon being pointed at him and straightened himself out with a little bit of fear.

"What brings you here, Eggman.." Shadow rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, gun still in hand. Eggman chuckled nervously as he scratched his head and closed his eyes in a silly manner. "N- Nothing much heh.. Just-"

"He did something to Sonic, Shadow. He hasn't explained yet but as far as I'm aware we need backup, he took Tails. I didn't see what he looked like either," Amy had interrupted. She seemed determined for some reason, like she expected Shadow to listen. Shadow sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever.. Where is he then? Hm?" Shadow's tone was exasperated and sassy. "We don't know," Amy replied, "But we have Tails' tracking thingamajig."

Cream walked out from behind Shadow, seeming to be giggling. Shadow looked at her and moved his arm above her to let her go through. "Hi Amy!" She hugged Amy tightly as Amy smiled and hugged her back.

Shadow looked over to the side, seeming to be trying to think of what to say. Amy noticed his movement and looked in his direction, giggling slightly when she noticed his quills covered in little heart stickers. Shadow noticed her giggling and looked back over, catching Amy's eyes first out of everyone.

"What's so funny?" Shadow gave Robotnik a quick glance, Robotnik seemed to be snickering slightly as well as he tried to hide his smile. "WHAT ARE YOU ALL LAUGHING AT!?" Shadow seemed annoyed, but he slightly felt something on his quills. He scratched his quills as if they were itchy, knocking one of the heart stickers off. He stared at it, not seeming to be amused. His eyes widened as he rubbed his hands against his quills once more, noticing they were covered in stickers, immediately giving Cream an angry look.

Cream giggled and ran behind Amy, who was smiling at Shadow as he started yelling, "THIS ISN'T FUNNY GET THE DAMN THINGS OFF OF ME!!"

Amy put her hands in front of him to try and calm him down, "Hey, hey, calm down, they're just stickers, and she's just a child, no need to yell or cuss," Amy spoke in a very calm tone. She put the top of her hammer on the ground as if it were a cane of some sort and leaned against it for balance.

Shadow huffed as he spoke in a quieter tone, seeming more annoyed than ever, "Just stickers? Just a child? WELL THEN SOME CHILD NEEDS SOME-" Amy walked up to Shadow, giving him a slight angry glance before slapping him across the face.

"Some manners, huh?" She scoffed as she walked back to Robotnik and Cream. "Come on guys, if Shadow comes along that's okay but we best be on our way, alright?"

Shadow's eye twitched as he stood there in stunned silence. Amy started walking back through the bush in which she had jumped out from before. When she did, Robotnik shrugged and followed, Cream staying quickly behind them. Shadow scoffed in an offended manner as he followed obediently, mumbling.

* * *

"Let me go!" Tails struggled from whoever's grasp as they had their hands around his neck. "I didn't hurt anyone I swear, let me go!" The unknown person was walking Tails to Robotnik's lab, where there was smoke and ash coming from the roof, seeming to be coming from inside and coming through. Tails stopped struggling as he noticed Robotnik's lab, he was being pulled through the entrance.

Tails tried to slow his breathing, he was panicking. His breathing became shaky as they walked down the hall, plus it was a slight struggle to breathe with the hand around his neck.

He was suddenly thrown into a slightly dark room, the only light coming from the open door. He whimpered like a dog as he hit the ground. His eyes widened as he looked back to see just who had thrown him in there. He scooched back slightly as he was filled with fear..

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