Out With the Old, in With the New (Chapter 4)

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 "Sonic!" Amy exclaimed as she smiled, jumping up with glee. The rest stared at him, Robotnik seemed frightened. Shadow smiled as he waved.

"Dig the new look, Sonic," Shadow chuckled lightly as he watched Sonic. Sonic laughed his small, distorted, broken laugh. Shadow's smile disappeared as did Amy's. Amy shrugged and smiled again, then walked over to Sonic who stared at her intently with a huge grin.

"Hi Sonic! What's with the new l-" Sonic grabbed her by the neck before she could finish her sentence.

"I told you he was dangerous!" Robotnik shouted as he watched, holding his nose from the hammer Silver had thrown at him.

Silver quickly made Sonic let Amy go with his telekinesis before he could really hurt her. Sonic giggled, the giggle sounding distorted and.. glitchy. Knuckles quickly stood up, then stood in front of Sonic.

Amy sat on the ground, her right hand around her neck, glaring at Sonic. Sonic chuckled, he seemed unphased by Knuckles.

"What's the big idea?" Knuckles asked as he stared at Sonic, standing right in front of him. Ray and Cream slightly scared as they both now hid behind Shadow. Knuckles punched his hands together as he stared at Sonic.

Sonic giggled. "Nothing dearest friend," His voice was crazily distorted and glitchy, it didn't sound anything like himself. He tilted his head to the side as Knuckles took a step back. "What's wrong?" he asked as he tilted his head to the other side.

Shadow had a concerned look on his face, he didn't like this. Amy held her piko piko hammer with both hands, she also didn't have a good feeling, no one did.

"Robotnik.. What'd you do this time..?" Amy's voice was filled with concern and fear. She grasped her hammer harder, keeping a firm grip on it. Robotnik shrugged as he smiled nervously and took a step back.

Sonic looked around at everyone, his eyes stopping on Shadow, giving him a cold stare. Shadow took a step back as he stared back, though he had to look away, he couldn't look into his eyes for some reason..

Sonic chuckled as he slightly hunched over, his fingers were now visible, appearing sharp and pointy at the ends. His teeth were sharp as could be, seemingly sharper than his fingers. He giggled. Robotnik quickly hid behind a small bush as Sonic turned towards him.

"Dearest friends.. Don't fear me, but do. I can't help it. I am.. I am just-" Sonic spoke while keeping his menacing smile, though he was interrupted by a bonk on the back of his head, knocking him on the ground.

Amy stood, holding her hammer, right behind him. "Back off, Sonic!" Amy hissed as she stood behind him. Sonic stood up, he was.. still.. smiling.. He giggled as he stayed hunched over, he tilted his head once more. He gave a sharp toothed grin as he tilted his head to the other side, his eyes seeming to.. glitch.. As if he were made of- Pixels.

He opened his mouth and laughed as he jumped at Amy, biting her in the shoulder hard enough to make her bleed instantly. She screamed and backed up as Sonic still had a hold of her. Knuckles stood up and grabbed Sonic by the leg, then yanked him off. Sonic turned around and somehow managed to bite Knuckles' hand, but he yanked away quickly.

Ray and Cream whimpered as they turned and ran. Robotnik took a few steps back as he chuckled nervously. Shadow jumped onto Sonic, grabbing a hold of his quills. "AH-AH!!" Sonic cried out as Shadow grabbed him.

Sonic turned and grabbed Shadow by the arm and yanked him off. He chuckled again as he took a few steps back, now standing by a small lantern. Shadow watched curiously as did everyone else as he grabbed the lantern, lifted it up, and shook it gently. He seemed to be taunting them.

Knuckles growled as he stood up, staring at the lantern. "Don't you dare touch anyone," Knuckles growled. Sonic chuckled as he threw down the lantern. It smashed on the ground. All of a sudden, the grass around it caught on fire. Everyone jumped back.

Sonic seemed to disappear in the fire. Knuckles coughed as he covered his eyes, the heat was too intense. Knuckles started running straight forward, hoping to get out of the fire.

He opened his eyes. He saw a figure standing in front of him. His eyes widened in fear as he took a step back.

* * *

Silver moved some of the fire out of the way, he couldn't see anything. Then he saw Eggman. "Here, I'll make a pathway out!" He shouted loud enough for Robotnik to hear him, for the fire was too loud. Silver made a gesture with his hands and in an instant, there was a perfect pathway for Robotnik to escape, which he took advantage of and did right away.

Silver coughed as he covered his mouth and ran through the fire. He saw Amy sitting on the ground, holding her bleeding shoulder. Silver sighed and quickly made a path for her too.

After a few minutes everyone who was left was out, including Silver. As soon as Silver came out of the fire, he fell on the ground, coughing. Shadow ran to his side to aid him, patting him on the back. Shadow looked around and couldn't spot Mighty or Knuckles anywhere.

Silver closed his eyes and lay down on the grass, moving his head to the side so he didn't hurt his nose or face. He sighed.

Robotnik angrily glanced at Amy. "I told you he was dangerous," Robotnik commented as he folded his arms. Amy scoffed as she looked away, still holding her shoulder. Shadow pat Silver on the back one more time, then he stood and walked to Amy.

"Do we have any bandages?" He asked, looking around. Amy groaned and sat down. Robotnik looked over at the fire.

"We 'otta leave here, it's not safe," He commented as he stared at the fire. Shadow gave Robotnik a nod to show he understood, then went over to Silver and helped him up. Robotnik found some bandages and wrapped Amy's shoulder up.

Silver was accompanied by Shadow as they walked to a safer place in Green Hills. Once they arrived, they all sat down and everyone but Silver layed down and looked at the stars. Silver lay down on his left side, facing away from everyone, and fell asleep.

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