Xerox (Chapter 9)

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As Sonic watched the horror on their faces, he giggled. "This. This is love," He said quietly, "This is life,"

He laughed loudly, loud enough for the others to hear. Shadow pulled out his gun and aimed it at Mighty. "Step back," He said in a serious tone. Mighty giggled, then tilted his head to the side. Shadow thought for a moment, they almost act like animals..

Mighty opened his mouth wide, then jumped at Shadow. Shadow didn't have time to react, but Amy, with a swing of her hammer, knocked mighty to the ground. Afraid he would move, she hit him again. Shadow took a step back.

Amy stood with her hammer over Mighty, in case he moved again. He lay still on the ground, not moving an inch.

Shadow stared, slight fear was seen in his eyes. He still had his gun aimed but not at anything. Suddenly, he felt something touch his shoulder. He jumped with surprise and shot the bullet far off into the distance. He turned and saw Sally standing there, worried.

"Why!?" He asked, "Why is it always me?" He put his gun away. Sally, confused, shrugged, then turned back to the door that led to the roof.

"We otta get outta here, it's not safe," She commented. Silver nodded and picked up Mighty. They all walked out, Silver behind them. As soon as they exited they heard a shout from behind them. They all turned.

Silver was lying on the ground, Mighty was standing next to him. Mighty looked at everyone else, then ran away quickly. Shadow pulled out his gun and shot at Mighty as he ran. Shadow pulled the trigger a few more times, he was out of bullets. He got mad and put it away, then looked at Silver.

Amy took a step back and pulled out her hammer once more. "Back up!" Silver was darker and, the same as Mighty, had black eyes with tiny red pupils. Silver giggled as he suddenly disappeared. Amy slammed her hammer on the ground right where Silver was, assuming he was still there. Blaze gasped as she fell on the ground, she couldn't believe it.

Amy put her hammer away as she looked at Blaze, her face becoming sympathetic. Shadow rolled his eyes and sat next to her, patting her on the shoulder for comfort. Blaze's eyes filled with tears as she sat there in silence.

Shadow stood up, then looked at everyone else. "Green Hills should be safe, head there, I'll look to see if there's anything inside the lab," He reassured them, "I'll be back soon." He headed inside the Base as everyone else started heading to Green Hills.


After a little while of searching, he couldn't find anything. He decided to give up when he spotted something. "Is Sonic rebuilding the lab?" He questioned. A whole room was almost blank in a gray color. A few wires here and there, as well as a pipe that ran from the wall straight into the ground.

He stopped when he noticed what looked like Cream inside a big test tube made of glass. It flashed between a purple color as it stood there with its eyes closed. He pulled out his gun and aimed it at the glass, but far enough away from Cream it wouldn't harm her. He pulled the trigger, it was still empty. He grunted, then walked over to the tube.

He pulled his hand back and banged the gun into the glass, shattering it easily. Cream fell down onto the ground, her purple color staying. He walked around her in a circle, observing the new color pallet. All the tan on her was a dark purple, the orange was red. Her dress took over a more orange tan color.

She opened her eyes and looked at Shadow, then smiled brightly. "You saved me!" She shouted, then hugged him tightly. He smiled as he patted her head. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm no longer gonna be a meanie!" She shouted. Shadow tilted his head in confusion. "I'm Cream's copy! If you hadn't got me out I would've hurt you because I would have been become a meanie,"

Shadow's eyes widened, A copy? "I wanna be your best friend just like Cream!" She hugged him tightly. He smiled, she's harmless. He hugged her back, then picked her up.

"You wanna come home with me and meet everyone else?" He asked. The copy nodded quickly, then Shadow started to walk her home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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