New Friends Are Right Around the Corner (Chapter 8)

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Green Hills

It had been quite some time of everyone talking, walking around, and thinking. Blaze was showing off her fire talents to Rouge and Sally. Shadow was sitting down next to the same tree he was pacing around earlier. Robotnik and Silver were working out a plan to catch Sonic.

All was quiet as conversations were silent. Shadow flicked a small bug he noticed in the grass. Everyone went silent as soon as they heard a small pile of leaves crunch, but no one was there. They all stared at it.

Shadow stared at it, trying not to seem any afraid or caring feelings. Slight movement was seen in the small pile. Shadow stood up, as did everyone else. Sally activated her ring blades. Shadow pulled out his gun. Robotnik stood there in silence. Amy pulled out her hammer. (This is gonna be a long paragraph😔) Silver got ready to use telekinesis. Blaze, ready to use her fire. Rouge was the last, she flew up into the sky to get a better view.

"I don't see anyone in, around, or behind the pile!" Rouge shouted from above. Sally replied back, "How do you know there's no one in the pile?"

Rouge sighed, then flew down next to the pile. She used her wings and swiftly blew back all the leaves. Nothing was there.

Rouge put her hands on her hips and turned to Sally. "W-Well I didn't know either.. I just- wanted to know hehe.." She chuckled nervously. Rouge rolled her eyes and looked back at the pile. Then something hit her.

"Where's Mighty-" She asked, concerned. Everyone started looking around, he was nowhere in sight.

Amy looked at the pile, something didn't feel right. She walked over to the pile and gave it a nice, long stare.

She took a step back. A leaf was floating in the air- What- How- She heard a chuckle as a hand appeared out of the blue, holding the leaf. It was a glove, then it went to a blue arm.

Everyone took a step back, was that.. Sonic? After a few more seconds the full form took over. It was indeed, Sonic. He chuckled, then wiped the ominous blood off his hands using the leaf.

He dropped the leaf on the ground as everyone watched. He chuckled. Amy looked around, where was Shadow?

She covered her mouth as she saw him behind Sonic, he was going to try and attack him. Shadow smiled. It was that kinda smile you see when he knows he doesn't know what he's doing, but he doesn't care.

"Shadow!" Amy shouted as Shadow jumped on him. Sonic chuckled as he grabbed Shadow by the arms, then threw him overhead, landing right on Amy. Sonic giggled as he looked at Robotnik.

"Doctor Eggman." Sonic took a step towards him, the smile remaining menacing. Robotnik took a step back, he obviously didn't have a good feeling about this.

Sonic suddenly hissed as Shadow jumped on him again, this time grabbing his quills and yanking on them. Shadow laughed as he saw the angry beast had stopped. Sonic though, the tricky little hedgehog, smiled, then jumped up and spin dashed in the air, throwing Shadow off like it was nothing.

"Oh come on!" Shadow shouted as he hit the ground. Amy caught him quickly. He stared at her as she stared back. Amy's face went blank, then she dropped him on the ground.

"Don't even try," She commented. Shadow gave her a slight glance of anger, then stood and brushed himself off. Sonic had disappeared from view.

"Where'd he go?" Amy asked as she looked at everyone else. Rouge spread out her wings and looked at the sky. She flapped once, then was high in the air. She looked around, then she spotted him.

"He's headed towards Robotnik's Base!" Everyone turned and started running in that direction, leaving Robotnik behind. He shrugged, then started walking the opposite direction while whistling. Shadow sighed, then turned around.

Robotnik started wailing as Shadow dragged him the right way with everyone else. "Oh hush you little crybaby," Shadow replied.

Sooner or later they arrived at the now so-called "Base". Sally mumbled angrily as she stomped up to the door. It was locked. She banged on the door. "Let us in you freak!" She shouted. Blaze shrugged, then blew fire to the door. Sally shouted in surprise and fell back. Silver smiled as he watched.

Within a few seconds the fire had gotten through. She moved the fire out of the way and quickly cooled the red spots of the metal down.

Rouge however, decided she'd fly up to take a look around first. As she did so, she saw Sonic on top of the building. "Guys up here!" She shouted. Sonic glanced at her, then shrugged. Rouge rolled her eyes at him as she joined the others in entering the building. Robotnik gasped as he saw Orbot lying on the ground, halfly decommissioned.

"No! When I said I wanted to decommission you I never meant it! I'm so sorry!" He cried as he hugged the body. Shadow walked over to Eggman, then patted him on the back. Robotnik continued crying. Shadow slightly became frustrated, then slapped him on the back of the head.

Amy quietly pulled out her hammer, then bonked him on the back of the head. "Oi!" He shouted as he turned around to Amy.

Amy had her hands behind her back, and no hammer in sight. "What? What'd you say, Shadow?" She turned to him. Shadow grumbled as he crossed his arms. Blaze walked over to Shadow, then slapped him across the face. "OI!!" He shouted again.

"Stop your tomfoolery and let's go get Sonic!" She shouted. Shadow mumbled as they continued to the roof. As they came to the top, they saw Sonic, he was holding Mighty by the neck.

"Let him go!" Silver shouted as he appeared behind Sonic, floating.

Sonic turned and saw Silver. Sonic shrugged as he held Mighty tighter as Mighty whimpered. Blaze readied up her fire as Silver nodded at her. Silver tried to snatch Mighty, but Sonic jumped up and landed on Silver.

"AY!" Silver shouted. Sonic jumped off of him. Silver stood as everyone stared at him in disbelief. Sonic chuckled, then jammed his hand into Mighty's stomach. "AH!" Mighty shouted in return. Sonic threw him to the ground and stepped back, then disappeared.

Everyone rushed to Mighty's aid. Mighty lay on the ground covering his stomach. Robotnik watched in horror, he didn't know what to do. Mighty continued to cry in pain as everyone tried to think of how to help. Amy took a step back as one of Mighty's gloves became darker.

The darkness seemed to spread to his arm. Then everyone took a step back. Mighty opened his eyes, they turned black, with tiny red pupils. They looked just like Sonic's.. Soon, his whole body was a slight shade darker. Then he stood up and stared at everyone else.

Mighty smiled, then giggled.

Off in the distance Sonic watched. He smiled brightly. "New friends are right around the corner.."

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