Corruption (Chapter 6)

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Robotnik's Lab (It may be a bit before I get a pic for this part bc I couldn't find anything that matched it so I may jus draw this one myself :3)

"AH!" Knuckles shouted as he was slammed against the wall, falling to the floor. He moaned in pain as he slightly moved his hand. He looked up at Sonic, who was smiling, wiping the blood off of his own mouth. Knuckles laid his head down, he couldn't hold on to consciousness anymore.

Sonic giggled as he picked Knuckles up. He started to drag him by the arm. After a little he came to a door, opening it with a smile. He threw Knuckles inside, then locked the door shut.

Sonic laughed as he turned around, then started down the hall. He passed one of Robotnik's television screens and stopped abruptly. He giggled as he turned to face it. Within a second, he destroyed the screen, glass pieces shattering all over the floor. He tilted his head as he looked at the broken glass that was dispersed all over the ground.

He looked back up at the screen, in the broken pieces that were still intact to the TV itself, he could see his reflection. His smile faded as he saw the blood on his face, the one tiny bruise where Knuckles had punched him in the face. The blood that dripped from his mouth and nose.

He took a step back, shook his head to remind himself it didn't matter, then turned and continued down the hall. He smiled as he snickered slightly.

* * *

It was morning now, the sky a pale blue. Mighty lay asleep, next to Silver. Silver slightly opened his eyes and yawned. Everyone else was already awake, sitting on the edge of the hill. They were pointing to different locations.

Amy sat away from the group, she had her arms around her knees and her head was hung low. Silver stood up quietly and sat beside Amy.

"What's the matter?" Silver asked as Amy looked at him.

"Nothing.." Amy replied. She looked back down at her feet. Silver sighed and stood up, then looked around for a moment. After a few minutes he started to walk away from Amy. Amy noticed, but just looked back down at her feet again.

A moment later, Silver came back. He laid something next to Amy, then sat down next to her again. Amy looked to her left side to see what Silver had given her.

There beside her lay a small sunflower. She smiled, it was the same as the ones she always gave to Sonic. She picked it up and held it up to her face. She gave a small sniff, just for the smell of the flower.

She bumped Silver on the arm to get his attention. "Thanks for the flower," She said, smiling. Silver bumped her back. "No problem,"

Blaze happened to look behind her and saw the two. She rolled her eyes. "Not like he'd leave me for her," She scoffed. She knew it was truth, but she, with her issues, always had that single thought come first.

Blaze looked back down at the hills, though something was bothering her. She huffed and stood up. Then she walked up and sat beside Silver.

Silver smiled at her as she looked at him. He put his hand behind his back, then pulled out another flower. He handed it to her as she gasped in awe. She smiled, then hugged him tightly.

"Ah, no problem-" Silver managed to squeeze out, "But I can barely breathe-" Blaze chuckled and let go. Silver giggled.

Amy giggled as well watching the two. Blaze noticed Amy and gave a small smirk. Blaze wagged her tail for just a slight moment, then she pounced playfully on Amy. Amy giggled as she rolled over, knocking Blaze off. Blaze ended up at just the right momentum, she happened to roll down the hill. Amy giggled once more as she watched.

Once Blaze reached the bottom of the hill she lay on her back, seemingly frightened. Her fur was all fuzzy and out of place. She had a hard grip on the grass beside her. Amy chuckled as she watched, she couldn't hold the laughter back.

Silver seemed to not be paying attention anymore, he seemed to be staring off into the distance, his smile long gone. He sighed. He felt like Sonic was still out there. He knew that he was still out there. He was afraid.. Sonic really seemed knocked out of his mind.

Knuckles was missing, Mighty was hurt, Tails was captured, and now Ray and Cream were somewhere no one even knew. At least, he assumed, they were safe.

Amy noticed Silver, then sat down beside him. "What's wrong?" Silver sighed.

"He's still out there," He answered, "I- I didn't expect him to destroy Green Hills, or at least a good piece of it.. I didn't expect him to just so suddenly-"

"Hey, calm down, it'll all be fine," Amy reassured him. Silver sighed and looked down at the grass. He closed his eyes.

Amy smiled, then she stood. She looked around a bit. She then went and sat with the others.

Mighty slightly opened his eyes and yawned. He looked around a bit to get used to his surroundings. He tried to push himself up with his arms, but fell right back down. Rouge happened to see from out of the corner of her eye. She stood up, then sat down next to Mighty, smiling.

"You good there?" She asked. Mighty nodded, then laid his face onto the grass. Rouge shrugged.

Shadow was pacing around a tree, quite a few feet away from everyone else. He seemed frustrated and impatient, but with what? "Where's Cream.. Where's Ray.. Where is Sonic?" He mumbled under his breath. As he mumbled, it was quickly interrupted, for he had run into the tree.

He sighed, he felt like everything had, out of the blue, had just.. gone downhill. He didn't even get a warning. Was all this a joke or a prank? "Or is he insane.." Shadow asked himself under his breath.

As everyone else was sitting on the edge of the hill, Robotnik was seen sitting with them. The others seemed to be bonding with him quite well. Though they were asking him questions about what he did to Sonic. He answered them with everything he had, everything he knew.

Shadow scoffed as he noticed Robotnik and everyone else. Are they really trying to get along with him? He thought to himself. Ever since what Shadow had endured in the past, he never liked Doctor Robotnik, not even by one percent. And even though he didn't care for being around Sonic, he was still a friend.. He still wanted Sonic back. 

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