chapter 20: Riddles and shared pain

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We're back... and Eula finally stopped beating Tristan.

We see Tristan we a couple pumps on his head. He is checking on the weird texts that appeared.

Tristan is humming for quite a while.

"Well... anything?" Eula asked.

Tristan hummed some more. And decided to look at her.

"Well........" Tristan started.

Eula looked at him.

"I don't have a fucking clue what this says." Trista replied.

Eula sighs in disappointment.

"Buuuuuut...... it appears to be a piece of magic. It's just a little part of it... so that means there's more to this. Hints we should investigate one area first to make absolutely sure there aren't any more of those texts." Tristan explained.

Eula looked at the map she got. And think to herself.

"Maybe we can split up and find them..." Eula suggested.

"No.... bad idea." Tristan says.

"And why is that?" Eula asked.

"Well, it's not like I have no faith in you... but I prefer you to stay by my side. Remember what she said. People are disappearing, maybe because of those texts. And I'm pretty sure there are demons that I haven't seen at all yet, and some can be immune to certain elements.... so it will make me feel more at peace with you her with me." Tristan finished.

Eula blinks...

"What?" Tristan questioned.

"I'll be honest with you.... I didn't think you actually didn't think about this at all." Eula says.

Tristan did an overdrmatic gasp.

"Don't start with that sharp tongue.." Eula warns him.

"Anyway.... just stay next to me, beautiful, and we will figure it out." Tristan says.

Eula cheeks turned pink.

"W-will stop with flirting!" Eula yelled.

Tristan started to investigate the texts.

"I'm just stating the fact.... that's all." Tristan says.

Before Eula could say anything.

"Just take the compliment, sweetheart. You can declare your vengeance later." Tristan says.

Eula started to investigate as well.

"Just take the compliment he says... he is just messing with me because I'm a Lawrence.... I'm not falling for it..." Eula thinks to herself.

After searching for a while.

Eula walked around impatient because all she saw was Tristan sitting there staring at the texts and feeling on it.

Eula sighs a little... and walked up to him.

"Anything?" Eula asked.

"Maybe.... just give me a few." Tristan simply says.

So she waited again for about an hour.

Tristan has actually tried multiple things. Like punching it, stabbing it, talking in certain languages.

Eula pulled out a bone whistle and started playing something...

While she was doing this, the texts started glowing a bit.

Tristan took a glance at Eula and stopped.

"Better wait for her to finish." Tristan thought.

He waited again. Nothing happened... but it just glowed.... so Tristan got an idea.

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