chapter 38: Melting a cold heart.

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A/n : Sorry for taking so long. I was working on my Star Rail story and two other stories as well. And catching up on some of the games I've been neglecting.

I'm also thinking of more ideas for this story as well. Plus, changing up the way I wright I'm also planning on making longer chapters and reading it back to add stuff and change errors.

Anyway, enjoy.

You know, since the bad weather started, Tristan was staying inside of his apartment. He was just relaxing and thinking and just chilling with Jugo and other poros. Which should be just like any other normal day. But today.... is..... slightly different.... actually, these last couple of days were different. Wondering why?

"Tristan... where do you keep your alcohol?" Rosaria questioned. She was searching cabinets and other areas. She was wearing Tristan's over sized shirt, which was his Metallica master of puppets t-shirt that he wears to be comfortable.

Tristan had the classic anime sweat drop from his head.

Yea, Rosaria is here... now you may be wondering why she is here. It actually started happening three days ago...


Tristan was sitting there looking outside the window. Holding a Jugo who was sleeping, which is not surprising.

Tristan had a small, surprised look. "Damn... I'm surprised it's still storming. I guess that clown picking on Eula had her karma...." he expressed his thoughts out loud.

Tristan heard knocking. Tristan was wondering who their right mind wanted to leave their home in this sleeping weather. He walks up to the door and opens it to see Rosaria.

Tristan had a puzzled look. "Rose? What are you doing here?" He questioned the nun.

Rosaria looks at him. "I just got done with a job. And your apartment was close. So.... I am here.... are you going to let me in?" She explained.

Tristan moved out the way and let her in.

Rosaria looked around. "Do you have any alcohol?" She asked him.

Tristan nodded. "I'm making food as well." He added.

"Good, I am starving..." Rosaria says while she casual walks in the room and flops down on the couch.

Tristan just shrugs his shoulders.

Back to the current time.

Tristan thought this was going to be a one-time thing. But she kept coming here. For the last couple of days, He doesn't know why. Tristan and Rosaria didn't particularly hang out. they mostly just met for jobs or information.

Tristan actually gave Rosaria multiple jobs. Why wasn't this mentioned before? Because... that type of work needs to be on the down low. So they actually seen eachother alot in private. But mainly for job reasons. And maybe drink a couple of times while discussing the job or just some random conservation that seemed important. But this time is different.

The first day of her coming here saying the building was closer. The second day... she was asking Tristan for a job. If not, she will just hang around here. Third day, which is today. She got wet, and her job finished early. So... now we are in this current situation.

Tristan blinks a couple of times. "Now I think about it... those conversations actually seem personal. Now I think about it...." he thinks to himself about the conversations they had.

"Tristan?" Rosaria says while looking at him with a confused look.

Tristan shakes his head. "My fault... I was thinking to myself... don't worry about it." Tristan explained he looked around for a second. "Also, the wine should be in that cabinet over there." He points in the direction of the cabinet.

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