Chapter 10: Chief Kobold

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Tianmei nodded to himself, there was no other way out, he didn't know the geography of this world and, even if he had a map, What could he do to look for Fitoria?, it was better to leave it in the hands of the natives.

-What kingdom do you come from?

Along the way, Melty Q covered himself in a camouflage suit as she led the way, keeping an eye on the shield hero from a distance.

-I'm just a lowly peasant who knows a thing or two about fighting, my lady.

Tianmei said with a solemn expression.

-Ha, if that is true, then we are all ignorant....

-It looks like they will attack the hero of the shield, Shall we help him?

Tianmei asked as he calmly watched a squadron approach the shield hero.

Tianmei was confused, Why wasn't there a Zombie invasion like in the previous world?, if the dungeons were also in this world, then, Wouldn't a new dungeon have opened up since there was a special Zombie roaming around?

Tianmei's questions were unconsciously answered by Melty Q.

In fact, it might not be a good idea to let them fight, the heroes are fighting the monsters and mages with some zombies from the low-ranked dungeon that just appeared.

After Melty Q's words, Tianmei thought he was dreaming too much, although this world was primitive how could mages be defeated by simple zombies, but, it seems there is something else he knows, not only awakened people can defeat a zombie or monster from a dungeon, but also, mages, Or would it be correct to say that it is magic that works on those zombies or monsters?

Tianmei was curious to see a higher ranked dungeon that didn't have zombies.

-Follow me...

Tianmei followed Melty Q who was taking off his suit to stop the squad that was on the verge of launching some arrows at the shield hero in the distance.

-Enough is enough!... We can't afford to fight each other!

Melty Q shouted as she let her beautiful face show before the squad of soldiers.

-Second Princess, What are you doing here?

The squadron captain rushed to stop his men who, upon seeing Melty Q, bent down on one knee.

-I've come to stop this madness, your soldiers should be at the front.

Melty Q said sternly.

-I'm sorry, second princess, that's impossible, Those are orders from the first princess Malty S!

The captain was about to turn his back when Tianmei appeared at the front.

-Then, perhaps death will put an end to your insolence.

The captain turned his head only to be surprised, a bright blue sword flashed past, unconsciously, he used his two swords in one swift motion to block.

The captain's hands felt a terrifying tremor, his muscles ached as his strong grip almost broke.

The captain flew backwards a few metres as he landed on his feet, his two swords were cut down to leave a small piece of metal connecting them and, that small piece could not hold and broke under the weight, leaving two swords cut in half.

The captain released his grip, felt the bone in his hands burn, the numbness in his arms caused him to stop exerting pressure, as a result, his two upper limbs were left dangling as if dislocated, his two hands tremble.

All this damage was done by Tianmei's single attack with the new ability of Discompassionate Force.

Tianmei himself was shocked.

Melty Q behind him had a pleasant smile on his loli face.

-Captain!, Are you alright?

The other soldiers in the squad rushed to the captain's aid.

-You!, Who the fuck are you?

The captain pulled himself together and demanded with some blood coming out of his nose and mouth.

-Just a simple one in charge of Miss Melty Q Melromarc's security, you dared to ignore the lady's order, How can you expect me to stand idly by?

Tianme said while making an expression of extreme aggravation, at the same time he was encouraged by this new role that came to him in this world.

-Bring your people to the front!, Captain!

The squadron captain swallowed his words at the sight of the second princess and, arms still dangling in pain, forced himself to lead his soldiers away.

-You are truly amazing, such overwhelming strength as to send the captain flying....

Melty Q said as she approached Tianmei like a happy child.

Tianmei himself smiled, but, still, he was interested in going to the mages guarding the front of the dungeon, see why the muscular zombie he encountered when he had just come, and, catch some skills, escaped.

A few minutes later, Melty Q arrived at where the shield hero was beating up some monsters and defending a village.

-We meet again, shield hero.

Melty Q have a businesslike smile on her face.

Tianmei's face turned solemn when she saw several common zombies among the monsters Naofumi was killing.

Unlike what Tianmei would expect, the shield hero had several wounds on his body, Raphtalia next to him was in no better shape, her pretty face was covered in sweat and the armour was on the verge of collapsing.

-I guess the zombies aren't just for decoration?

Tianmei said as he took a step forward.

-Go, rest for a moment, leave it to this humble servant for the time being.

Tianmei made a perverted smile as he prepared for combat.

Before Naofumi could speak, Tianmei had passed him, cutting down two zombies with a blue light caused by the sword.

Tianmei's hand moved cutting a large monster in two.

This was Tianmei's power after receiving a massive strength boost.

Five minutes later, there was no enemy in sight, no special zombies either.

Tianmei turned to see Naofumi too serious, Raphtalia with her mouth open and the villagers surprised.

Before Naofumi could say anything, the ground began to shake, the footsteps of a stampede could be heard in the distance.

Before Tianmei could cry out, a powerful blow sent him flying a few feet.

"You have found a special Kobold, kill him and get his ability."


Tianmei's body fell to the ground on his knees and looked at the enemy that had hit him.

It was a monster that had the head of a dire wolf, the body of a minotaur and, in steel armour, its fists as big as Tianmei's head and as hard as rock.

Behind the special Kobold the stampede came, dozens of lesser Kobolds, similar to the Kobold in front, but half the size and their bodies somewhat scrawny.

The one in front was obviously a chief kobold.

-You can't take my torch!

The chief kobold shouted and a fireball shot out in Tianmei's direction.

-Watch out!

Melty Q shouted as she was held by Naofumi and watched as the fireball was shot in the direction of Tianmei on the ground, but how could Tianmei let this happen?

Tianmei felt his thinking become quicker and he stood up forcefully, inhaled air into his lungs and, like a pistol in rapid succession, fired several shots of fire.

This was a new way of using his dragon breath, without using so much fire, but, increasing the power.

The small rapid fireballs were fired like a machine gun from Tianmei's mouth for two seconds, these small fireballs countered the boss Kobold's large fireball and started an explosion halfway.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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