Chapter 12 - Trouble

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I woke up, got my hair and make-up sorted and put my dress on.

I woke up, got my hair and make-up sorted and put my dress on

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After doing my daily morning routine. I noticed the time seeing i'm late. I walked out of my house to the house of parliament. Tommy requested my appearance for a meeting he had after. Following a worker he led me to where Tommy, Ada and a man were sitting.I interrupted the conversation sitting next to Ada ''Sorry, I'm late Thomas." The man looked me over and said "Who may you be?" Tommy immediately replied with "My sister is off limits.'' I rolled my eyes at that "Says you" Tommy gave me a stern look while I smiled and took the lads hand "It's a pleasure to meet you" "oh, believe me the pleasures all mine" replied the men. "And she's also dangerous"Ada inverted, not liking Tommy's move to bring me into this. The man replied with "oh, we adore dangerous". Ada replied "who's we?" the man gave me another once over while saying "it's a collective noun. In this case, describing a group of people who are impatient and young and, as I have said, adore dangerous. It seems your sister is part of it" he smiles at me, while I give him a flirty smile staring tauntingly in his eyes. Ada gave Tommy a look. "Mister Shelby, you had a horse of that name." continued Mosley. Clicking his fingers Tommy said "Whisky, Irish" smoking a cigarette. "Give him one from my bottle and one for myself. In fact, bring the bottle. And the ladies?" the man quirked his eyebrows at us. "Nothing here could satisfy my thirst". I said with an disinterested face, while the man seemed intrigued. Ada said "isn't thirsty, how'd you know about the horse?" The man turned around to Tommy "we have a mutual acquaintance... May Carlton" Ada and me sighed, while Tommy looked a little annoyed. "When I asked about you she said 'oh my goodness where do I begin?" Tommy replied with "and why were ya asking after me?" "Because, as I have said, I adore dangerous.'' Mosley said, giving me a side eye. "And where did she begin?" Asked Ada. "You know, I was rather hoping we might have this meeting alone." Ada looked very offended by that, while Tommy said "my sister Ada is my political advisor, the other one Jennifer was curious about the house" I huffed at that. I so wasn't, so he asked me to come. "And my advice just now was, don't meet mr. Mosley." Ada replied."because I am dangerous?" Tommy looked at Mosley saying "No. What is it you are impatient for, mr Mosley?" He replied with rage "I'm impatient for my fucking whiskey... Bennet!...May Carlton spoke about you the way I imagine one might about a party they barely remember, where you crash the car into the dovecote and live in champagne and cocaine for three whole days, you know those kinda parties?" Ada replied in a bored rone "only three days'' while I interfered with "you obviously haven't partied with a Shelby" he side gazed at me and licked his lips, calming down a little from his outburst. While he chuckled at our replies the whiskey finally arrived. Tommy immediately poured it in the two glasses. "My sister advised against meeting you, because it appears you are moving away from the a different direction". Mosley replied with "and which direction is that?" "Towards fascism" answered Ada. Mosley quoted Tommy from earlier "we are the people and we have had enough' I thought that was excellent" he pointed at Tommy "In which direction are you heading, mr. Shelby?" He asked curious. "I am my own revolution" answered Tommy. "And you prefer Irish to scotch. As do I. Like all things regarding Ireland, it is complex, yes?" Tommy just stared at him. Mosley took a sip from his drink "where do you stand on the Irish question, mr. Shelby?" "Never been asked this" "then perhaps it's time you were." "Tommy, I am the people, and I have had enough" said Ada standing up. "Thank you Ada, this is so boring, I'm coming with you. Maybe find some danger." I said winking at Mr.Mosley and walking out of the room towards the car. After a few minutes Tommy got in and looked at me "Really Jenny, find some danger?" I looked at him "What? The only reason I was there was to be pretty eye candy, besides I'm Shelby. Danger is always near" I rolled my eyes. Tommy started the car and drove to Small Heath. I was asleep the whole way until I was woken up by somebody shaking me awake. Opening my eyes I looked in identical blue eyes, Tommy. ''Come on Jenny, Arthurs in the back''. I looked around me seeing the Garrison, we walked to Arthur greeted each other with a hug and walked in. Seeing Polly i gave her a kiss on the cheek, she gave me a smile back and said ''have ya got any weapons on ya?'' Arthur pulled his gun out annoyed, unloaded the bullets and placed it on a table, while Tommy put his loaded gun on the bar. Polly's eyes looked at me, rolling my eyes at her. I pulled my gun out of my stocking, she raised her eyebrow. Making me sigh, I took out my special hairpin Polly had given me for my 18th birthday. She squinted her eyes at me knowingly, I huffed and got my handgun out of my bag. Polly placed her hands on her hips ''for fucks sake'' i grumbled getting my pocket knife out between my boobs. Artur looked at me surprised, while Tommy looked amused. ''Swear to god, Polly. That's it.'' While we were waiting on Michael, Tommy began telling Polly about his dream. It was about a black cat saying someone betrayed him. I dropped my gaze avoiding everyone's eyes. Scared he would find out me and one of his blinders fucked. He was betraying Tommy's order and so was I. They kept talking about it so I just decided not to listen in, higher chance I wouldn't be involved. Michael and his missus finally walked in. "Tommy. I'd like to introduce you to my wife. I would also like to, er, say something." Tommy didn't care "sit down Michael" "I betrayed you" "Michael." Said Polly. "But not in my heart... there was a time, in America, when there was a lot of money in that bank. And I wondered, I could...I could leave, move to California. Someone said I should invest in pictures. Hollywood" Arthur laughed under his breath "but Gina stopped me. Gina said that-" "I told you to sit down, Michael." Michael looked around while pulling a chair out and sitting down. "Now tell me...what happened on that Belfast harbour" Michael sighed "on the journey back from New York we got married. But we needed to find a witness, a purser. He was from Belfast. We got friendly." "What happened when the ship docked?" Michael replied with "this purser had friends who ran a whiskey distillery in County Tyrone. They wanted a way of getting their stuff into America. So I said okay, invite them aboard. When they came in I realised that they didn't make whiskey. They were Scottish, from Glasgow. Couldn't understand a fucking word they were saying." I stopped listening, not interested in Michael talking. I decided I should pay Bonnie a visit, and apologise for my behaviour the other day. I zoned back in the conversation when I heard the door slam, looking around it was just me, Arthur and Tommy left. "Fucking cheek of her, eh? Said Arthur. While they were talking I put all my weapons back on and left them be.
I was walking towards the woods the Golds were staying at. Thinking about what I would say to him and explain, I arrived earlier than I wanted. Aberama and Bonnie were around making a fire, when they turned around. Bonnie gave me a confused smile ''hi, can we talk?'' I asked, smiling sadly. Bonnie nodded standing up. He helped me get in the trailer ''don't do anything i wouldn't'' said Aberama with a laugh. We stared at each other for a few minutes, I was biting my lip, Bonnie the patient man he is let me settle my thoughts. Bonnie made me a cuppa ''thank you... i just wanted to apologise for the way i acted two days ago''. Bonnie immediately replied with ''you don't have to... it's forgotten''. I grabbed his hand ''no... I need to.. I'm sorry- i... it is me, not you.... It's... i'' i stumbled over my words, Bonnie squeezed my hand ''you like someone else'' looking shocked at him i said ''WHAT?''. Bonnie replied with ''I saw it in your eyes... it's okay.. I'm just happy we got to share the things we did'' looking at him i felt a tear run from my eyes, he wiped it away ''don't cry, please don't cry, it makes me feel sad seeing you cry''. When I bursted out crying, Bonnie hugged me ''I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry.. You're perfect... I love your smiles and you comfort me, but no.. I'm sorry Bonnie'' I sobbed in his chest. Bonnie squeezed me in his arms ''it's okay, you can't control it.... He better treat you right or I've got to set him straight'' I smiled at that ''one day Bonnie Gold you're going to make a very lucky lady happy''. ''She won't be able to compare to you, my beauty'' said Bonnie. We stayed like that for a while. Just in each other's arms. In silence, when Aberama walked in. ''you staying for dinner?'' he asked me, i looked at Bonnie ''im not sure if that's a good-'' Bonnie interrupted me ''stay...please'' nodding my head at him, we started making dinner together. The whole time we were laughing and joking around. Dinner was lovely, I thanked Aberama and Bonnie for having me and walked in the trailer to get my coat and bag. Bonnie followed me ''i know you like someone else, but i was hoping we could be friends?'' Bonnie gave me a hopeful smile making me nod ''I would love to Bonnie'' I gave him a hug, feeling him hug me back. ''I'm going to adore the time we spent together as friends until the last minute, I love you Jenny'' he murmured in my hair. ''I love you too, Bon'' I answered back. He gave me a kiss on the top of my head, when a gunshot went off. Bonnie pulled me back and grabbed his shotgun walking out, I heard groaning worrying me, so I followed after. I saw Aberama laying on the ground hurt. I ran towards him covering his wound, while putting pressure on it i ''hello, hello, we are the Billy boys...hello, hello, we are the Billy boys" not seeing anyone, Bonnie walked a little closer to us. Ready to protect us from the unknown. We heard the song continue, "we're up to our knees in Debian blood, surrender or you'll die. We are the Brighton Derry Billy boys." men coming out of hiding. "Drop the pea shooter, son" said one of the lads, they outnumbered us. Bonnie put the gun down. "A broken broom stops all gusty curses, Mr Gold." Two men walked over, one pulled me away when the other kicked Aberama in the face, making him groan. I pulled a face wanting to help him, but being restricted, I couldn't. "Who the fuck are you?" Bonnie asked enraged. "Did you not hear my song? These gentlemen are the Billy boys. And me? I'm Jimmy" he punched Bonnie with a gun to the face, he fell to the ground groaning. "Good. Mouth broke so you can't talk... but you didn't need to. Your body will be the lesson."Aberama tried to help but a cross was put on him. "Noooo... don't hurt him he didn't do anything wrong!" The men looked at me "well aren't ya. A fine thing.'' He grabbed my chin to get a better look. Bonnie screamed "don't fucking touch her!" He looked over his shoulder "what are ya gonna do about it?" " I'll fucking kill ya" said Bonnie enraged trying to fight of the men who kept him in place. "Ya can't if you're dead". I looked at Bonnie with panic in my eyes ''no.. no.. nooo...noooo pleasee!!! Pleasee!!" I yelled fighting the men restricting me."Shut her up, will ya?" A man came and punched me hard in the face, making my vision blur. Another punch in the gut and a few stomps in the face. Everything hurts. I felt a heavy weight on me, but I couldn't comprehend what was going on. I just looked into Bonnie's eyes with sadness. Bonnie was kneeling down in front of the guy with his shotgun. The man punched him again in the face with it. I squirmed trying to get the man's weight of me. Another hit, kick and punch. They put him on the cross, binding him on it. Lifting it. The guy let Aberama go, he crawled towards Bonnie. Bonnie looked into my eyes when a shot was put in his forehead. He was dead. I screamed "BONNIE!!!! Nooo.. not you.. no" tears fell from my eyes, but I didn't notice. I just noticed Bonnie. Bonnie.... he's dead. I felt cold. The guys left us behind. Aberama groaned on the ground, Bonnie's brown eyes were the last thing I saw before blacking out.

A/N: So I was wondering if the chapter lengths were alright? If not, tell me so. Also I've got exams coming up so I'll either procrastinate and write here. Or actually learn so the book will have a pause for a while.

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