Chapter 11 - Boys

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I woke up to a delicious smell, shuffling around I noticed Isiaiahs gone. With a sad face I put on my nightdress and walked to the kitchen. ''You really thought I had left ya?'' Looking up I saw it was Isiah with a pained face. ''Look, Isaiah, what we did was wrong.. So wrong Finns, your best mate and I'm his sister... even though it felt so right we can't''. Isaiah walked towards me pulling me into a hug. ''Look I know... okay I know.. i-'' I looked up at him ''We can't, I won't let our decisions end up getting you hurt or Finn''. He grabbed my arm ''what about you, getting hurt?''. I looked away ''I wont.. Besides you've a death wish if you want them to know we fucked without engament or something '' I smirked at him. He laughed at that, breaking the tension. ''I made pancakes your favourite'' he said with an adorable grin, ''With chocolate sauce on it?''. ''Yes, specially made for you''. Excitedly, I walked over to the dinner table he had placed the food on. The moment he put it down I started gobbling on it. I heard him laugh, narrowing my eyes at him. ''You don't want some?''. He smirked ''I would love to have you covered in chocolate sauce, but duty calls'' he said, pulling on his coat, kissing my head. ''Bye siah'' I called after him. ''Bye love'' I heard when he closed the door. After the delicious breakfast I took a quick bath, then put a business outfit on.

I put my hair up in an elegant bun, some hair pieces framing my face

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I put my hair up in an elegant bun, some hair pieces framing my face. Putting on some black powder around me eyes making my ocean blue eyes pop and a natural lipstick. I heard honking, I put on me coat and walked out the door. Seeing Ada, I walked towards the car while the chauffeur opened the door. I thanked him and greeted Ada, we started our track to Small heath having some conversation along the way.
We were all gathered around me, Polly, Ada, Lizzie, Arthur, Linda and Mr. Greene. Arthur started to say things about New York and that it influenced the whole world or something. After Arthur was babbling about New York and the lost money. Mr. Greene started saying "er, Mr. Chairman, perhaps while we wait for Thomas, I might lighten the gloom and express, as a relatively new member of this company, what a pleasure it is to be in a boardroom that has so many females in it." He is so adorable. Way too old for me, but how cute. He reminds me a bit of curly. I just want to give him a hug. "Yeah, and all are females who are both... sharp-witted and decorative". Nevermind, he just called us dolls. Arthur replied with "yeah, we'll, we're a very modern company, Mr Greene". "Righttt... it has nothing to do with us all being family one way or another" I replied sarcastically, smiling. The rest continued talking while I zoned out waiting for Tommy to arrive. When he finally did, he so gracely began with asking "how far have we got?" Which Polly replied with "we've established that ladies are decorative". He began his very boredly explanation with Linda disrupting it a few times. Which led me to wonder what I was doing here at the meeting. Since I'm the same age as Finn, but unlike him I'm not interested in this side of the business. Linda walked out of the meeting... I was about to stand when Tommy interrupted me stating he had to talk to me afterwards. Rolling my eyes I sat back down waiting for our talk.
After the meeting everybody waited outside, except me and Thomas.''How's London?'' I was seated while Tommy was standing opposite me ''I don't think this conversation is only about how I'm experiencing london'' I stated. He rolled his eyes at me ''My peaky blinders told me you've got a lot of guy friends''. Rolling my eyes at that ''yeah, so? I don't see the problem with that''. ''Since when do you kiss your guy friends?'' he asked with narrowed eyes. ''Well you would be surprised'' I mumbled under my breath ''WHAT?!'' He looked enraged. ''I said I'm surprised they said that since it's a lie''. ''You telling me they're lying?''. He asked unsure. ''Yes, I do have guy friends, but I don't kiss every fucking one of them, besides if I did it wouldn't be any of your bussines''. That was the wrong thing to say, because he became deadly silent. Just his stare piercing at me. Not backing down, I stared right back. ''It is. You're my little sister... you're not allowed to have a boyfriend''. I huffed at that standing up ''delete that old version of me in your head Thomas, it expired'' I said walking towards the door ''besides who said anything about a boyfriend'' I said smirking, hurriedly leaving the room after seeing his overprotective face. I heard Tommy scream my name, making me walk faster towards Polly. Seeing her I hugged her and held on to her. An annoyed Tommy approached us ''what happened, now?'' asked Polly while caressing my back. . ''Tommy's just mad. I said I wasn't interested in a boyfriend''. Getting weird looks, Tommy made it clear ''no.. You said a boyfriend. Do you want more than one? Wait, do you have more? Tell me their names now!''. The girls all giggled at him, Polly grabbed my arm pulling me outside with the others in tow ''she's old enough Tommy to decide for herself''. Tommy was about to go against her when Polly gave him one of her deadly looks shutting him up.
We all walked out the building towards the garrison. I haven't been there for a while and it turns out the rest haven't either, since the moment we stepped in the bar erupted in cheers and clapping.Tommy said some words and offered every occupant in the bar to get a free pint of stingo and the men who served in France a brandy chaser. They were all sent to one of the rooms, while we stayed in the mainroom. Settling in a booth Lizzie said "can I begin this family meeting with a proposal? From now on we will find somewhere else to meet?". Ada looked at her and arrogantly replied "your husband believes that being seen mixing with common people is good politics". Lizzie retorted with "Hmm. Well, if this is our campaign for socialism, perhaps next time, Polly, you won't wear earrings worth more than the pub." Snickering at Lizzie's comment, I got a smack against my arm from Polly "shut it, miss London". Rolling me eyes at the nickname I said "well, can we get this meeting going... I've got other things to do".
Tommy quirked his eyebrow at that "like what?". "It's not your business". ''oh but it is. You're my youngest sister'' I sighed in annoyance. ''We already discussed this earlier, thomas. I'm an adult''. ''Tell me''-''no''-''yes''-''no''- ''yes'' Polly smiled in amusement ''Just tell him, Jennifer''. Smirking, I said ''Fine! If you must know... I'm going lingerie shopping.'' Tommy pulled a face at that ''I don't want to know that''. Arthur put a sour face on ''disgusting!''. Huffing at them I sassily said "you're unbelievable! Next time when I don't want to say it. Just remember it's for your sakes.''.'' Yeah right'' said Ada not believing a word I said. Giving her a stink eye ''what happened with sisters stick together?.. Mhmm?''. Rolling her eyes at me she quirked her eyebrow ''since Jennifer's got better things to do why not start with the family meeting?...first item-'' Ada put a very familiar looking bullet on the table ''dug out of Finns arm yesterday by Aberama Gold using your gin and a razor blade''. Lizzie was the only one looking shocked about the information "Finn?" Asked Lizzie. "He says they were sent to limehouse Chinatown" continued Ada. "Sent by fucking who?" Asked Lizzie annoyed. "Sent by me" said Tommy, clearing his throat. "I told Finn to stay out of it. He obviously didn't listen".
Lizzie scoffs "oh, Tommy. Sweetheart, I listen to you. I listen to you when you tell me no more sport for anyone named Shelby. I listen to you when you make me promises" rolling my eyes at her in disbelief this isn't about her. She continued "what's in Chinatown, Tommy? What the fuck is going on?" Tommy sighed "fifty thousand pounds. In cash." I scoffed in disbelief "they said they were sent to Chinatown to kill somebody". Arthur groaned, pulling his hand over his face. "That kid needs educating, Tommy, he really does' '. "I could've told ya that. He doesn't read or write of course he's gonna want to do the sport and for yous. It's focking annoying". Scoffing at the whole situation I zoned the little petty discussion between Lizzie, Polly and Tommy out. It's because Lizzie's jealous that Tommy told Polly more than her. Like really is she that surprised. Lizzie stood up "I can't be bothered with this shit" she said storming out of the pub. "So. Tommy Shelby. MP. Business as usual." Said Ada. Tommy replied with "yeah strategy we outlined earlier to rebuild the conventional part of this business will take time. In the meantime—" Ada interrupted "just business as fucking usual!". "In the meantime it is fortunate that we have maintained other sources of cash income. Because until the stock market recovers, cash is king. And cash we have'' said Tommy annoyed. "No one's gonna hang you, Tommy. You're gonna hang yourself" Ada said walking out. Standing up I kissed Arthur's cheek on the way to the door. Since Ada's my ride and I didn't see my importance of being included in the meeting. "Someone has to pay for them paintings on your wall, Ada. And so does your clothes Jenny". Arthur followed with a "yeah, bye-bye, Ada".
When we got in the car, there was a tense silence when I broke the ice ''You need to tell him.'' Ada looked confused at my sudden outburst ''What?''. Looking at her I said ''Younger, you need to tell him he's gonna be a daddy. A real daddy.'' Ada looked at me in surprise "Jennifer!". Smirking at her, I questioned ''What? You didn't call him that before?'' Ada kept looking at me in astonishment, I rolled me eyes ''Well, it's good that you didn't call him that. There shouldn't be any confusion then. He'll know right away you're pregnant.'' she nodded her head while looking out the window ''I.. I will.. I will..... I just don't know how... How do I tell him that? '' she turned around expecting an answer ''Don't look at me! I'm not pregnant... I think.'' I said, trying to calculate my cycle. Ada screamed in shock ''What?'' rubbing my ears I said ''Jesus Ada you don't have to make me deaf...I was joking Ada... joking''.
When we arrived in London we split ways she went to work, while I went to the lingerie shop as promised. I would see her again in London for a girls night at polly's. After shopping for a while I went to London to surprise Bonnie, before going to Polly's. I arrived at the woods where Aberama and Bonnie were staying. Walking towards it I only saw Bonnie, wanting to surprise him I tackled him to the ground. He flipped us over and grabbed my hands above my head. ''Jenny! I thought you were an enemy'' he looked relieved. Smiling bashfully at him I said ''I wanted to surprise you, but if you want the enemy more I can arrange that'' shaking his head he replied ' very happy its you, beauty''. Smirking up at him ''I know, I can feel it''. Bonnie blushed trying to hide his face, he wanted to stand up. But I grabbed his neck, pulled him down on me and kissed him. We started making out with each other and one thing led to another. I was trying to catch my breath lying on Bonnie's shoulder. I started thinking about Leo, Isaiah and Bonnie. I know Leo likes me alot and Isiah I don't know. We always flirted with each other, but never acted on it. And well we fucked, but with bonnie. I like him, he's the perfect guy. He's cute and adorable, but strong and protective. But thinking back just a minute ago. While Bonnie fucked me in the middle of the woods looking into his eyes, I saw different brown eyes. I slept with Bonnie, Bonnie who likes me and I didnt even think of him while fucking. I felt ashamed, so I scrambled up. Bonnie looked at me with a scrunched up face ''Sorry, Bon i've got to go. I have plans with Ada and Polly, you know how they get''. I made sure my dress and stockings were good. Bonnie stood up walking towards me. He grabbed my arm pulling me into his bare chest. He removed all the leaves from my hair and then kissed me softly. I pulled away, we stared into each other's eyes and all I felt was guilt. So I turned around and scrambled to walk away. ''Wait, let me walk you to Polly's''. Turning around with my head I said ''Bon i'll be fine-'' seeing Aberama approach I continued ''besides your dads back, he'll probably need some help with something''. Bonnie looked at me confused and he opened his mouth to reply, but I was already too far away from him. Not hearing him call my name a few times. I walked the whole way to Polly's trying to clear my head and look like nothing was bothering me. Because the wolves will sniff them out and by wolves I mean Polly and Ada. they're so invested in my love life, even though they don't know anything. I walked around a corner Polly's house in my sights, taking a deep breath at the door, I knocked on it. Polly opened the door smiling, I gave her a kiss on the cheek. While pulling me coat off I noticed Ada "well? Did you tell him?". Ada shook her head "no". ''Well.. that's okay there is one thing certain.'' They both gave me curious looks "well, what is it?" asked Polly impatiently. "You're a milf either way" they both giggled at my response. I sat in a lounge chair grabbing meself a glass and filling it with the gin bottle I brought with me. Polly gave me a drink and we all laughed, danced and gossiped about everything that we could talk about. Taking all our problems away, just for a moment, we were a regular family.
The next day I was back home. I got a hangover, therefore I needed a rest day. Just me, myself and I. I didn't want to think about guys today, I didn't want to hear anything about Tommy and especially about all the drama from Small heath. But no, I couldn't have that, a knock on the door, caused me to grumble towards the door. There standing in all his glory was Leo. Leo's a peaky blinder that I fucked. I was annoyed with the surveillance I was getting. One day it was freezing cold and I got in a fight with Tommy. I can't remember what it was about, I just remember wanting to say fuck you and your rules. So when I was fumingly walking to my house door, I heard a sneeze, I turned around and there he was. Leo the peaky blinder, who I fucked in despite of Tommy's rules. It happened once and then it kept happening.
''What are you doing here?'' I asked confused. He looked at me about to say something, when Ruby came running in and hugged me. I looked up at a fuming Lizzie, so I picked Ruby up and said ''Come in Lizzie, you need a drink''. Lizzie went straight to the kitchen to put the kettle on. Closing the door, Leo stayed outside on watch. I went to the couch and placed Ruby on my lap. She played with my necklaces ''I want to look like you, when I grow up'' I gave her a small smile and booped her nose ''No, you won't. You'll be even more gorgeous like a princess'' I received a big smile. Ruby told me about her day, when Lizzie joined us. We kept engaging in conversation with ruby, until she fell asleep on me. I brought her to my room and sat in front of Lizzie ''so why'd you come?''. She gave me a sad smile ''let me guess, it's my idotic brother?'' she nodded and began talking. After Lizzie rambled on to me about Tommy, she left to stay with Linda and Arthur. Since I had an early day tomorrow and it would be Ruby's birthday. I promised Ruby that I would visit her tomorrow and give her my gifts.

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