𝟕 ~ 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗜𝘀 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗲

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She was a fire.

Zeremy was a girl who oozed wild, fierce, and untamable energy, a fire that roared within her like a feral animal. Each breath she took, each look she shared, and every motion of her tongue made that fire burn ever brighter and hotter, threatening to consume me whole.

Had I really just fantasized about our lips meeting, about my tongue playing with hers?

I had never had such lewd thoughts in my mind until I met Zeremy. She was the one who had unlocked this side of me, who had awakened this hunger in me, this need. Each moment she spent in my presence only fueled my desire, my imagination running rampant with the possibilities of what I could do to her

I knew I wasn't perfect, far from it, in fact. But I wanted to be better, to be everything that Zeremy deserved and needed. I was fighting tooth and nail just to make it through each day away from her, my heart restless and my mind overflowing with thoughts of her.

Perhaps she felt the same way.

Perhaps she shared my feelings and my desire. If she did, I would know that we truly were meant to be together, that the universe had guided us toward this destiny, and that our love was meant to be.


Slowly sitting up from my bed, I noticed that the stillness of the night had descended around me, a calm and tranquil atmosphere that seemed to be at odds with the tumultuous feelings that raged within my heart and mind. However, despite the calmness and quiet of the surroundings, Zeremy was not here and she had to stay over in my flat for the night.

Marc, Jake, and Layla had already gone home, and I was left alone with my thoughts and feelings. The silence and stillness of the flat was soothing, but something else was bothering me, something that was slowly eating away at my mind, a feeling of emptiness and loneliness.

Without Zeremy's presence, it felt strange to be by myself, and I found myself missing her greatly.

"Zeremy, you're here?"

After a few moments of searching, I realized that Zeremy's shoes were missing, and she was nowhere to be found in the flat. A realization that led me to believe that she might be outside. I ventured outside, I spotted her in the distance, sitting alone while crossing her arms and legs, staring up at the night sky and the bright moon above. She seemed lost in her thoughts, her expression dark and troubled. It was clear that she struggled with a multitude of challenges, and it pained me to see her in such a fragile state. She's in a bloody mess.

"Hey? You alright?" My steps grew lighter and quieter as I approached Zeremy, unsure of how I would be received.

After a few moments of anticipation, she finally turned to face me and flashed me her usual sweet and friendly smile. For a few moments, the two of us sat in awkward silence, unsure of what to say to one another. Despite the awkwardness and tension, I was happy to be in her presence, if only for a few moments. Her presence always comforted and calmed me. Her smile always provided me a sense of warmth and joy.

It was clear that there was more to her silence than simple shyness or embarrassment, and there was something deeper lurking in her sorrowful eyes. Something that I could not quite discern.

"Yeah? I'm fine."

"You... Um... Why are you out here?"


I was taken by surprise when Zeremy's question mirrored my own, causing us to become equal in this quiet and uncomfortable lull in conversation.

I knew that I wanted to confess my feelings to her, to pour my heart out and reveal the depths of my love and adoration for her, but my uncertainty in the moment and my hesitation caused me to falter. I was unsure if it was the right time to make such a confession, unsure if it was the best decision. However, I felt a growing surge of emotion bubbling within, one that I could only keep suppressed for so long.

I noted the concern on Zeremy's face, which I knew to be the result of her current emotional state. Her bitterness and grouchiness caused me to feel empathy towards her, knowing that something was troubling her within. I leaned closer to her and spoke gentle and reassuring words, telling her that everything would be alright in the morning. Despite my soothing gestures, she was still anxious and remorseful, her guilt weighing heavily on her thoughts and emotions. She needed comfort and solace, and I wished that I could provide them for her.

"I blame myself, and I think I'm ready to face it to tell the Gallery's director and to get me fired by the boss in the morning." Her voice is heavy with guilt and disappointment.

Zeremy's sudden admission caught me off guard, as I was not expecting her to take such drastic measures. I could sense her feelings of guilt and shame as she spoke of her decision to quit her job, of how she was prepared to face the consequences of her actions and admit to her mistake. I admired her level of integrity and maturity, knowing that she was willing to accept responsibility for her actions and suffer the consequences, even if that meant having to give up something that she loved and cherished.

That's the real sacrifice.

I knew how much she loved her work at the gift shop, spending so much time with me and making me feel appreciated and cared for. Her choice to quit seemed so sudden and drastic, as if she was trying to escape from the situation entirely.

I couldn't help but wonder how she would encounter Donna and what the aftermath of their interaction would be. Despite her rage and frustration towards her, I knew that a part of her would not want to truly let go of her job, especially if it meant not seeing me every day. My presence in her life was important to her, and to lose that connection would be devastating. My own feelings for her and my desire to keep her close made me feel torn about her decision to resign, as I also knew what losing her would ultimately mean for me.

However, there was still a part of me that wished for another outcome, that Zeremy would stay with me and continue to be part of my daily life. 

I wanted her. I wanted to see her every single day, and not having her by my side felt like an empty space in my heart that could never be filled by anyone else.

"Are you sure?" I asked her with a hint of uncertainty and reluctance, not certain if her decision was the best course of action. "But there's still hope, right?" I continued, hoping to find a glimmer of optimism in what seemed to be an otherwise helpless situation. It seemed as if Zeremy was defeated by her circumstances as if she had already surrendered in her battle against life and its hardships.

That sense of hopelessness caused me to feel a sharp pain in my heart, unable to accept that such a beautiful and incredible person was about to slip away from me forever.

"I can't allow anyone else to perceive me as a threat and a danger to them," Zeremy said resolutely, her expression and tone of voice stern and uncompromising. "That's why I must quit my job," she continued, her decisiveness and resoluteness making me realize the gravity of her situation. She was correct in her actions; revealing the truth would solve her problem, and by leaving her job behind, she would also be leaving behind the burden of guilt and regret. It was a difficult decision, but it was necessary, and I admired her for her willpower and strength.

I was saddened by the thought that the present moment was not the ideal time for me to confess my feelings to Zeremy, but I accepted that it was a rational decision on her part. She needed time and space to process the events and to heal from her trauma.

So, I would give her the time and patience she required before I could reveal the depth of my emotions to her. In the meantime, I would show my support and concern for her and hope that, with time, things would improve and she would find herself in a more suitable position to accept my confession.

I simply nodded with understanding. I spoke softly and comfortingly to her, my tone of voice carrying a sense of melancholy and disappointment.

"If that's what you want... okay. I..." I sighed and then fell silent, not knowing how to react or what to do.

"I understand," I continued. My voice was filled with sadness and disappointment that Zeremy had decided to quit her job and leave me to work alone at the gift shop, just as I had done in the past without anyone to keep me company. I accepted her decision with resignation, knowing there was nothing I could do to change her mind.

𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 || Steven Grant & Zeremy Love Story (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now