𝟏𝟑 ~ 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗻

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"Hey! I love you as just a friend, nothing too serious about it. Being fond of someone doesn't have to mean it has to be a romantic relationship. You're like one of the closest friends I've ever had, but I was never romantically attracted to you. We never had a chance to be together. We never belonged together."

Her sudden change in demeanor brought an additional wave of shock and confusion into the emotional whirlwind already spinning inside my head. While her anger may have been justified by my uninvited confession, her claim of platonic affection after my emotional outburst only seemed to add fire to the flames of frustration and sadness within my heart. I suddenly felt as if I was standing on a precipice of conflicting emotions, unsure of where to direct my anger and heartache. Her declaration that we did not belong together and were not meant to be together only exacerbated my sorrow.

The words and rejection hit me like a bullet, and I was instantly shot back to a place of darkness and sorrow. Tears streamed down my eyelashes and my vision was blurred by flowing rivers of water as I felt an overwhelming wave of sadness and distress wash over me. The feeling of despair and anguish was overwhelming, and I could not hold back the flood of tears that flowed freely from my eyes, overflowing with sadness and grief.

Her response struck a deep chord of agony and sadness within me, and my heart shattered and broke into pieces upon hearing her rejection. She had just dashed my hopes and aspirations of us becoming the perfect couple, and my entire world came crashing down around me in a heartbeat. This was not the answer I had hoped for and desired, and I felt a crippling sense of defeat and despair wash over me.

But I could sense the strange behavior within her that was so out of character from her normal, cool, cocky and collected demeanor. I had known her for a long time, and although she had always had a calm and composed tone whenever we spoke, I had never seen her overreaction in such an intense way. I had a strong suspicion that something was amiss beyond the simple denial of her feelings. She had never reacted in such a manner previously, and my heart raced as I sensed something was amiss. Despite knowing her for a long time and witnessing how she behaved in our previous interactions, I was now left feeling uncertain and confused by her erratic behavior.

This is definitely not her.


Not my Zeremy.

She's 100% completely a different person.

Bloody hell...

My heart pounded in my chest as I stepped back away from her, refusing to accept what she had said. I could not believe the words she had uttered, and upon stepping back and analyzing her body language and behavior, I realized that something was indeed off. She was acting abnormally, and it seemed as though she had undergone a slight transformation in personality. I refused to believe this was truly her, and I was perplexed by her sudden shift in demeanor.

She was not the familiar and unruffled Zeremy I had grown accustomed to, and something was deeply awry. I felt unease and dread over the notion that someone, something had usurped my dear friend. I grew increasingly concerned and anxious as I took another glance at her, sensing that something was definitely amiss and off about her.

This was no longer the woman I once knew so well.

"You're not Zeremy. You're... Somebody."

Extremely anxious.

My heart skipped a beat as I uttered those startling words. The notion that she was indeed somebody else entirely was frightening and unsettling, and I could not help but feel uneasy and apprehensive as I continued to step back from her. This person who appeared to be Zeremy suddenly seemed to morph into a different entity, and her behavior and demeanor were not exactly the same. Her sudden rage and outburst of anger was a jarring indication of the strange situation I had become entangled in. I remained cautious, gesturing my hands in front of me in hope to keep her from approaching me any closer as I continued backing away from her.

As I step back, my heart froze and trembled like a tiny animal within my chest as I witnessed Zeremy laugh in an extremely menacing manner, showing an expression of pure malicious and horrific intent. Her devilish grin caused my blood to run cold in that unexpected moment, and the menacing appearance of her face made me shiver horrifically, as my eyes widened and left speechless that I could not reconcile this Zeremy with the one I knew.

"You've been fooled, Steven Grant. So sad of you, I was never like you. You're the easy target, for me to kill you real slow."

Her voice was distorted with malice and evil, her words exuding an unnerving tone with sinister and malevolent intent. Her voice was unrecognizable, a sharp contrast to her original caring and nurturing attitude. A deep, sinister, and devilish tone, as if the sound itself had been stained with dark and unholy undertones.

Low, hoarse, and guttural as if coming from some creature of the dark rather than from the mouth of a human being. It was disturbing and unsettling, and I could not bring myself to believe that this was indeed the voice of someone I had once known well as she slowly advanced towards me with every second. My sense of dread only continued to grow as the situation became increasingly unnerving.

My anxiety levels increased as I became more aware of her frightening expression, and the sheer terror of the situation overwhelmed me. She continued to advance, her approach seeming threatening and menacing in her evil appearance, and I could not resist the feeling of dread and horror that swept over my entire body.

"Aww~ Are you gonna cry, boy? Are you gonna call your family for backups? You're alone. No one is going to save you."

Zeremy chuckled evilly, her wicked sneer reflecting her desire to inflict harm upon me. Her hands began to emit an orange glow the flames of hellfire, which signified the imminent release of dangerous flames. I tried to restrain her and attempted to avoid combat, but she continued to step towards me, ignoring my pleas and calls to stay back. She was determined to launch an attack on me, and I feared for my safety and security as I retreated, unsure of how to stop her from executing her sinister goals.

I felt trapped and overwhelmed by the situation, unable to muster the strength or ability to defeat Zeremy in her demonic and malevolent state. I felt helpless and alone, with no one to turn to for assistance or aid. Even though I possessed powerful abilities that would normally provide an advantage in the battle, they seemed to be nullified against this new, demonic variation of Zeremy.

I was desperate and longed for a miracle, seeking the intervention of either Marc, Jake, or even Layla, but it seemed as though there was no hope of any salvation or deliverance arriving.

I don't want to die at the hands of a person I fell in love with.

Not in this way.

I had felt my fears and helplessness increase in intensity as Zeremy prepared to unleash her fiery attack. However, just as she was about to launch the projectile, an abrupt disruption occurred, allowing me a slim chance of escape and survival. Zeremy was suddenly hit with a hard strike, causing her to be flung backward and knocked away from me. She tumbled and fell headfirst into a dumpster, landing with a loud thud.

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