𝟏𝟐 ~ 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻

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It was the dead of night when I set out alone in search of Zeremy's whereabouts, determined to find her and persuade her to return home.

I knew that I would have to face her alone and with no help, but I was determined to succeed in my mission. I was prepared to do whatever it took, even if it meant having to confront her directly. I continued my search without ceasing even when the streets were deserted and the skies were dark. My determination grew stronger, and my resolve to bring her home intact never wavered. I kept my eyes sharp, watching every shadow around me to get even the slightest insight into her whereabouts.

I wouldn't rest until I found her and would face her and anything else alone if need be.

I ventured towards the scene of the incident, the burning building that was still raging with intense flames. I walked into the area, looking for any sign or trace of her. It was a somber and terrifying sight, witnessing such a horrific scene before me. I was determined to find her among the chaos and destruction, regardless of the risk to myself.

According to Jake, he had informed me that she was likely in this area, and I decided to investigate the area alone. The setting was eerie and surreal, with an eerie, quiet ambiance and a faint wind that whistled through the air. The sound of fire cracking was the only audible sound, aside from the subtle noise of the wind, and it filled me with a sense of unease and fear. I had to find her, and I moved onwards in my search, determined despite my growing apprehension.

I pushed forward into the burning building, the intense heat making the air unbearable and the dense smoke obscuring my vision. The flames threatened to consume me at any moment, and I was beginning to doubt whether or not I would find her here or escape unharmed. I struggled to stay focused and calm as I kept searching, determined to locate her among the chaos and destruction that filled this desolate place.

"Oh crap... I got bonkers." I muttered anxiously.

My search continued for several minutes, and my anxiety and concern grew with each passing moment. The fire and destruction were so vast and extensive, and yet there was no sign of her.

What if something horrible had occurred and I had missed her?

The thought filled me with panic and unease, and my pace began increasing as I frantically began searching more frantically.


My search was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a loud crash in the distance, causing me to jump in fright with widened eyes and a loud gasp. I froze in place for a moment, startled and fearful of the noise, which seemed to have come out of nowhere. I stared in the direction of the noise, feeling stunned and vulnerable in this situation. The unexpected noise startled me and caused my heart to race with fear, as my concern and worry over her safety increased significantly. I had to find her, and the source of the noise was a potential lead that must be investigated.

"Bloody hell..." I whispered under my breath as I regained my composure and slowed my rapid heartbeat.

The unexpected noise had given me a momentary fright, but I was now able to focus and keep my nerves under greater control. I needed to remain focused on the task at hand and proceed cautiously in my search, as any mistake on my part could result in dire consequences.

But as I turned around, I was startled with a jump and shock upon seeing Zeremy herself standing in front of me, seemingly out of nowhere like a character in a horror movie. Her hands were positioned on her back, and she stood perfectly straight without making a single movement. Her appearance was unsettling in the midst of the chaotic fire and destruction around us, and I felt a strange mix of fear and anxiety along with relief that she was safe and unharmed. I was unsure how to approach her or what to say, and I was left speechless as I stared at her in bewilderment.

𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 || Steven Grant & Zeremy Love Story (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now