I Want You

194 13 8

May's POV

I looked over where Josiah was
looking just to see what he was talking about. Indeed, standing there staring at me was the one and only Dr. Dre.

Josiah: What is he doing here?

May: How would I know? (Staring back at Dr. Dre) He's looking straight at me...
( Dr.Dre walks up to them )

Dr.Dre: Hello

Josiah: HELLO! Dr. Dre I'm a huge fan. "Hold up wait a minute let me push some *huh* up in it". That's my song!

Dr. Dre: (smiles) Thanks man, but you can call me Andre. I really came over here to talk to you. (Looks at May)

May: Me? (Chuckles a little) Why me?

Andre: Your poem and your voice. Can you sing?

May: A little...

Josiah: More than a little, she got pipes! But she's more of a rapper though, spit some freestyle May!

May: (glares at Josiah)... Nah, I'm good.

Andre: Meet me up at the cafe at 6pm. (Walks away)

May: (semi-yells) Wait! What!...
(Hits Josiah) What was that?! "She got pipes"?

Josiah: You wasn't going to tell him so I had to. Come on it's 3:30pm, let's go by your place before we meet up with him.

-They arrive at May's Apartment-

Josiah: (plops on sofa) We just talked to Dr.Dre... WE JUST TALKED TO DR.DRE!!!


Josiah: (Chuckles) Sorry, I'm just shocked. (Mumbles to self) We just talked to Dr. Dre.

May: It is pretty exciting. He thought I had a nice voice! Me! (Plops on sofa next to Josiah) Oh man... (Serious face) I wonder what he wants.

Josiah: What you think? (Sarcastically) To start a new pain medicine pharmacy with you... He wants to make you a star!

May: A new pain medicine (Shakes head)... I hope he's not thinking about making me a star.

Josiah: Why not?

May: I want to be a teacher! I want to be that teacher who shows young black children that they are more than what society thinks of them. Show them their true history! Make sure they know history doesn't start with slavery. (Stands up) SHOW THEM BLACK POWER COMES FROM KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING!

Josiah: ( Stands up and slow claps )...

May: ( laughs ) I hate you.

Josiah: (laughs with her) You're just so cute when you get all fired up! I get what your saying and I know you can do it...

May: Thanks Josiah, I know you're going to be an amazing doctor.

They continued talking about changing the world child by child and patient by patient.

- Later at the cafe -

May: Can you please come in with me?

Josiah: I'll be outside, I have to call Tiffany. You know she gets all upset when I don't call her so often.

May: (Glares at him) When isn't she upset...

Josiah: Ha? That's my future wife you're talking about.

May: (smiles) Im sorry.

(Andre walks in with a few other men)

Andre: Y'all sit over there while I handle some business.

May: ( scratches neck and thinks to herself: What does he want ?)

Andre: You're early.

May: Sorry, I... Uh... Yeah?

Andre: (chuckles a little) Don't be nervous. You want anything from here?

May: No thanks, so what... Brings you here? (Thinks to herself: WHAT?)

Andre: Uh? You. I think you will be an amazing artist. I've been sending some of my dawgs to that poem place for a while now and they always single you out. They think you have this swag about you. I had to come here and see it for myself.

May: Swag? I... Uh... My God.

Andre: (laughs) Still nervous?

May: I'm sorry I'm just a little confused. When you say I can be an amazing artist. What exactly are you saying?

Andre: Just that. I want you to come back with me to LA and work with me for about 2 years. After that, I'll sign you to a producer and get your career as an Hip Hop artist.

May: Like Eminem ?

Andre: (laughs) I guess like him.

May: I'm sorry Andre, I'm going to have to decline. See, I already have this plan for my life that I prayed on. God never said anything about being a Hip Hop artist. I'm sorry.

Andre: I'll be on campus for about 3 days. Call me if you change your mind. (He slides his number across the table and walks out with his crew)...

(Josiah walks in)

Josiah: Sooo?

May: He wants to make me a Hip Hop Artist.

Josiah: (laughs) You? The only Hip Hop you listen to is Lupe Fiasco, which is borderline Hip Hop.

May: Exactly, I mostly listen to Jazz and Oldes. Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

Josiah: Ok? Tiff wants me home anyways. (Hugs her) I can't wait to tell everyone at the meeting.

May: (shakes head and smiles) I bet. (Walks home)

-arrives home-

She sits on the sofa and stares at the number. (She thinks to herself) Ok, an Hip Hop artist... I mean I know I can do it. I can just use my poems and rap them. I used to do that in the shower. Make a new beat and I'll be right in the business. I can sing the chorus myself.

NO WTF MAY WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!? You're a teacher, then a principal, and if you get there a professor... I mean how could I just abandon my dream of teaching for being famous. (Crosses arms) But, if I do well and become famous I can rap about the truth. Teach females to love themselves. Teach white supremacy. Damn promote reading and knowledge! I'll probably reach more people and really be able to help! (Grabs number and programs in phone, sets an alarm at 4:30pm and names it " Call him Idiot, it's time to save the world ! "...

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