Are you serious? (3)

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(Back at Mahalah's apartment)

Josiah: (Looks her in her eyes) We can't talk anymore... I mean ever...

May: (chuckles a little)...

Josiah: What's funny?

May: I saw this coming Josiah. It's fine. Tiffany never liked me. I mean I know we hang out a lot, but we make it very clear that we are just friends. VERY CLEAR. I knew this day was coming when she invited me to church, " You should find Jesus, I wouldn't want you going to hell."... Who says that? (Rubs her forehead)... I'm going to quit the NBPP.

Josiah: (shocked) No, I was thinking I would. They need you. I'm the one getting married and that would be too much on my plate anyways.

May:... So you're getting married to her... Wow, you should have started the conversation with that don't 'cha' think?

Josiah: I... I love you May.

May: Stay with the NBPP. I'm going to LA with Andre anyways. I'll do online classes. I work better with those anyways. Getting married won't be too much on your plate anyways. She's going to end up doing all the work anyways. Ugh, I keep saying anyways!...(Pats his back) Congradulations. (Walks to door and opens it) You should be leaving before she wakes up and sees you're not there.

Josiah: (Walks up to the door and looks at her)... May.

May: You're welcome.

Josiah: (Kisses cheek)...(leaves)...

May: (Shuts door and walks to bedroom... Gets undressed and slides under sheets... grips pillow and bursts into tears)... Why, God?

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