Josiah's POV
(Earlier that day)
As he looks down at his watch, he remembers how Mahalah wrapped it up in toilet paper for his 21st birthday. Mahalah and Josiah had been friends for only a few months, but they had this connection. They both wanted to change the world. They both had this hunger for justice. They both had this history of being bullied because of their skin tone. Both Mahalah and Josiah came from the same town and saw hate crimes on a regular basis. Something really special about their relationship was that they both were conscious. They both dedicated their time to reading and researching black power and white supremacy. Josiah saw Mahalah as an equal, like the queen he always wanted. Something was holding him back from being with Mahalah, his family. His family was very religious. Tiffany was everything they thought was appropriate wife for the preacher's son. Mahalah isn't Christian and Josiah knew that the family would not approve. I guess Tiffany was "meant to be".
Josiah: Tiffany can we please hurry up?
Tiffany: We have time! I have to get my left eyebrow even to my right! GOSH! I wish I was "both handed". (giggles to herself) You remember that YouTube video with that dude doing the makeup tutorial?... Josiah?...JOSIAH!?
Josiah: (Jumps a little) YEAH!?
Tiffany: You wasn't listening again. (Walks out the bathroom)... I hate it when you don't listen.
Josiah:... Where are your clothes Tiffany...( attempts calmest voice possible)
Tiffany: I thought I wanted to wear my red dress with the back out, but I thought that was too much. I'm going back to get my blue dress with the lace. Which one Josiah?
Josiah: The blue one.
Tiffany: Thanks babe.
Josiah: (Rubs forehead)... Jesus please.
Tiffany: What? (attitude)
(Later at the restaurant)
Josiah: Isn't this beautiful.
Tiffany: I can't believe you rented out this restaurant just for us! The music is so soothing.
Josiah: Anything for you, babe. There is something I need to ask you. (Gets on one knee)
Tiffany: Josiah...(tears up a little)
Josiah: I love you with all my heart. You have always been there for me good and bad. I would say more but this floor is very hard and my knees are starting to feel it. Tiffany, will you marry me? (Pulls out ring)
Tiffany: (Looks around a little) Of course I will!
(Later at their home)
Josiah: (Puts up leftovers in fridge) I'm engaged. Wow, never thought that would happen... (Looks at her and smiles)...Tiffany? Why are you crying?
Tiffany: (Stares at ring) Do you really love me Josiah?
Josiah: (thinks to self) Didn't I just ask you to marry me?... (Sits next to her and holds her hand) Why would you ask something like that?
Tiffany: Mahalah.
Josiah: (His body felt like it went paralyzed for a moment)... What about her?
Tiffany: Do I look stupid Josiah? I know you like her. You're always with her. You run a club with her. You guys have a lot in common. Let's be real. I'm not conscious. I LOVE SCANDAL! I LOVE BEING MARY JANE. SHIT, I LOVE B.E.T.! I dated white dudes and didn't question it once. (Opens up purse and shows him a photo) LOOK WHITE JESUS!
Josiah: (Stares at her)... We can fix that Tiffany. I don't love Mahalah. I like her, but what we have is greater. (Holds her hand tight) You are my everything. No, you're not perfect. I'm not either, but that's love. See me and you, we are meant to be. God made you with me in mind. Tiffany.. (raises her chin up) When I look at you every morning sleeping the day away...(smiles) I can't help but think how blessed I am. Mahalah doesn't make me feel like that. She will never make me feel like that. You're special. You're my one and only.
Tiffany: (Mumbles) I don't want you talking to her anymore... (Speaks up and looks him in his eyes) I love you Josiah, but I don't like the thought of maybe, just maybe, some other woman being able to come in and take you away from me. You can't talk to her anymore.
Josiah: Alright. (Kisses her forehead) Anything for you darling...
Later that night, the thought of never talking to Mahalah again was starting to get at Josiah. That was his best friend. Maybe more that friends, which made Tiffany right. If their marriage was going to survive then they had to both make some sacrifices. As he looks at her, he notices how beautiful she is. It's now or never. It's 4:30am, he knew that Mahalah would be up... damn. How is he going to be able to tell her this.

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