The Meeting

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May's POV

May wakes up to the loud alarm from her phone.

(She walks downstairs to find Josiah sitting in her kitchen)

Josiah: Do you know what time it is?

May:... I should have never given you a key. How does Tiffany feel with you having a key to my apartment ?

Josiah: I don't know how she would feel? I think that irrelevant at 9:00am. Where is my breakfast?

May: (Looks at him like he's stupid)... You're usually not this bossy until 12pm. Why couldn't Tiffany make you some breakfast?

Josiah: She doesn't wake up until she has too. She usually gets up at 1pm and her class is until 2pm... Which means she has 30 minutes to get ready and 30 minutes to get there. She doesn't even think about me in those 30 minutes. AND YOU KNOW SHE CAN'T COOK! I can't cook, she can't cook, we both fucked up. (wipes fake tear and makes voice crack) I'm tired of hotpockets and cheetos.

May: Well damn, what do you want?

Josiah: Waffles and those strawberries in the fridge...

May: (Pouts) Not my strawberries...

Josiah: I'll buy you some more. I also want some cream cheese on top.

May: You know I don't have that.

Josiah: (Slaps a ziplock bag of cream cheese on table)... I got it. I don't like that you're vegan.

May: ... Why would you... Why... (Looks at him side-ways) Why would you even say that?

Josiah: I love animals just as much as the next meat eater.. It's just when I come over here I want some FOOD not fucking spinach balls. Oh and how do you get your waffles so fluffy without the milk and eggs?

May: I add sprite. The acid from the drink makes them fluffy. (Hands him a plate)

Josiah: YES! (Talks with mouth full) I'm not going to lie sometimes I actually crave those spinach balls.

May: (Puts some waffle in mouth) Shut up Josiah. (laughs)

- Later on at the meeting-

(Josiah stands at the podium)

Josiah: Welcome my brothers and sisters, today I have a huge announcement. (Looks at May) Should I tell them or do you want to tell them?

May: The real question is do YOU want to tell them or should I tell them?

Josiah: I mean if you wanna tell them, You can.

Jose: SOMEBODY better tell us, damn!

May: ... Josiah tell them.

Josiah: Alright. So May was performing her poem called Who you love or something like that...

May: (Mouths) What?

Josiah: Then out of no where, Dr.Dre comes up and is all like... May you so sexay , You would make my day if you start rapping for me today.. Oo bars... anyway (bursts out laughing and gets interrupted by May)...

May: ( Walks up to podium ) No. Sit down... Sit down right now.

Keisha: Is it true though? I did see Dr.Dre around the campus.

Josiah: Yeah it's true and he wants me and May to call him Andre now... ANDRE!

May: You're always yelling things twice... TWICE!

Josiah: (Glares at her)

Jose: Are you going to go through with it?

May: Actually, yeah. I think I am going to go through with it. (smiles)

Keisha: You're a freshman... I mean what if it doesn't work. You waist time with this and have to do the WHOLE four years. I think you should just stick to something... concrete.

Josiah: She got time. She's only 16.

Jose and Keisha: 16?!

Keisha: Can you even be in college?! HOW DO YOU HAVE AN APARTMENT?! MY VICE PRESIDENT IS 16... Man I feel old and sad.

May: College doesn't discriminate age, I used my mom's information, and I didn't think that was a problem. (frowns a little)

Keisha: It's not... You're 16... Is it even legal for Dr. Dre to even be talking to you.

May: I don't know and I don't care. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'll talk to Dr.Dre and see if I can still work on my degree here and work with him.

(Alarm goes off)

May: Alright , it's time to call Andre.

Keisha: Me and Jose are super hungry... We are going...

Jose: I be damned, I'm staying right here.

Keisha: (Pulls him by his ear) Come on boy.

Josiah: ... Ok? Call him..!

May: (Calls)...Hey Andre...Mhm... Yeah I decided that I would take you up on your offer, but I have one thing that's kinda holding me back...It's my degree, will I be able to still work on it?...Yeah...Mhm...(Looks at Josiah)...Mhm...(Josiah shows her a huge smile)...AWESOME..Ok bye.

Josiah: (nods and smiles)...

May: Ok? He said that's fine... I can work on beats and music on vacations. I mean I don't have a family to go home to anyways, so it's perfect. I can't believe I'm really doing this.

Josiah: Let's celebrate?! Let's get the whole NBPP together and lets throw a party.

May: I was just planning on watching The Lion King and treating myself to a vegan pizza.

Josiah: Man, that actually sounds really good, but we do that almost every time something big happens.

May: Alright, but no alcoholic drinks. I have class in the morning.

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