Trying to Forget (3)

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(Back In May's Apartment)

She wakes up and looks at her phone, to find out that he never hung up the phone.

May: (Into the phone) Rosco?

(Unknown caller) Rosco: Good morning sweetheart.

May: I had a nightmare.

Rosco: I heard sweetheart. You need to keep this off your mind. I didn't tell you this so you would get your blackout again.

May: I haven't had those in forever, but I've been very careful about lighting storms. I tend to leave the city and go to a hotel when I know it's coming.

Rosco: So, you don't fully know if you don't have them anymore.

May: I don't want to find out Rosco. I hated those black outs. Punching the walls and waking up with my knuckles dripping with blood. I can't deal with it again. Every time it happens I feel like I'm being raped all over again.

Rosco: Why don't you ever go to therapy? I told you a long time ago that what's going on with you isn't normal. You need help May.

May: No I don't. I don't need them telling me shit I already know!

Rosco: You need to watch that language and that tone talking to me young lady. I only tell you this because I care about you May. That is exactly why I bought tickets to fly there. I need to see you again.

May: Uncle Rosco...

Rosco: Don't Uncle Rosco me, I'm coming next Wednesday. Does anyone else around you know about your blackouts.

May: Andre knows. Sadly, he walked in on one of my blackouts when I was working with him a long time ago. I don't think he's told anyone. I told him not too.

Rosco: Well, I need to get up and start making breakfast for my family. I'll call you later on to check on you.

May: Bye.

Rosco: Love you.

May: (chuckles a little) I love you too. (hangs up)...

She gets back under the covers and goes back to sleep...

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